I'm a mobile and backend developer graduated in mechanical engineering.
I started my graduation at UFRGS and always believed I would become an engineer with programming skils. Well, today I expect to be a developer with engineering skills.
You can know more about me visiting my LinkedIn profile.
And more about my programming carrer here, on GitHub...
I chose Flutter to develope my own app from scratch. It's a group expenses controling app which I call Group Expenses (I know, not a really creative name). It aims to control users own and group expenses where you can undestand how is your family doing, your housemates or whatever group you're in, have a global picture of it's expenses, who is expending money and where.
My course ended with Shop app, an e-commerce using Firebase. It also introduced me to Inherited Widgets and a great global state manager: Provider.
The Meals app introduced me to various flutter navigations and to culinaries recipies, thank you cod3r.
Expenses was the first app presented to me using Flutter and it was great to understand the framework. It used a lot of adaptation between OS and between phone orientation.
Since I loved what I could become, I began to search for more and found Flutter. Learning Dart and how to use the framework was a really nice experience.
To understand users interactions the Lambe project was a great start. It showed me how to use Firebase and how easy it could be to interact with some API's. It was also a great introduction to global state managers like Redux.
I discovered I wanted to follow a developer carrer once I started to learn React Native and created my first mobile app called Tasks, with another cod3r course. It also helped to learn more about infrastructure and backend programming with it's backend.
I started coding at the first semester in college but here is where I truly got into this, learning how to code with a course from cod3r using python: Python