The user interface to the PressGang CCMS REST service.
This code is broken down using a fairly standard MVP configuration.
Views, found in the org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.ui.client.local.mvp.view package, contain classes and interfaces that define the UI layout. No logic is implemented here, just the code to build and display the user interface.
Presenters, found in the org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.ui.client.local.mvp.presenter package, are used to add logic to the views.
The models are the REST entities imported from the pressgang-ccms-restv1 maven artifact.
Compile with
mvn -P jboss7,oss-public,jboss-public clean package
Run super dev mode with
mvn -P oss-public,jboss-public gwt:run-codeserver
Some views simply create iFrames to BIRT reports. See and for examples.
To get rid of the border in the standard BIRT web viewer, set the border-width property in the .birtviewer_document_fragment class in webcontent/birt/ file to 0.