I'm a curious individual and just a tiny bit obsessed with frontend development and making the web accessible—no big deal! In my role as a Frontend Developer at Workshop Orange, I contribute to delivering exceptional user experiences while ensuring high-quality and scalable solutions. My core areas of expertise include accessibility, scalability, and interactive design. Beyond tech, I'm basically a plant-hoarding goblin plotting a mini jungle that will someday take over my living room.
- 😄 Pronouns: She/Her
- ⭐️ I'm looking to contribute to open-source projects and raise awareness about web accessibility.
- I'm Elizabeth Meshioye on Linkedin
- 🛠️ Frontend: CSS, HTML, React/NextJS, Typescript
- 🛠️ Web Accessibility
- 🛠️ Testing and security best practices
- 🛠️ Frontend performance optimization
I write beginner-friendly articles on dev.to and freeCodeCamp.
- 💬 I found myself in a rabbit hole researching Bézier curves and now I believe I understand SVG
- ⚡ I used to work as a backend PHP developer, using CodeIgniter and Laravel.
- 🤖 I'm a CSS geek
- 💪🏾 I'm a gym girly and I like jump rope a lot