I have contributed the code to Apache Sling: https://github.com/apache/sling/tree/trunk/contrib/scripting/esx
A Node JS (like) module loader for Apache Sling.
This module implements a Nashorn Apache Sling Script Engine for the "esx" extension.
It requires a function named render
in the esx
script that processes the request.
To activate this script engine you must first enable Nashorn support in the
file of your Sling instance:
currently this implementation only works with java version "1.8.0_92" and higher
Once the bundle is active, you can try the engine with this minimal (and not very interesting) example:
First create a node with some content:
curl -u admin:admin \
-F"sling:resourceType=foo" \
-Ftitle="Hello ESX" \
-Ftext="Here's some example text" \
Then create an ESX script to render it:
$ cat << EOF > /tmp/foo.esx
var foo = {
render: function () {
var output = "<h1>" + currentNode.properties.title + "</h1>";
output += currentNode.properties.text;
return output;
module.exports = foo;
$ curl -u admin:admin -T /tmp/foo.esx http://localhost:8080/apps/foo/foo.esx
$ curl http://localhost:8080/apps/foo.html
<h1>Hello ESX</h1>Here's some example text
An ESX file is a regular java script file.
The NodeJS module resolution (https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html) is implemented to give access to the rich collection of Node modules.
There's currently no priority handling of global modules.
The engine searches for scripts in the following order, if the regular module resolution does not find a module: - /apps/esx/node_modules - /apps/esx/esx_modules - /libs/esx/node_modules - /libs/esx/esx_modules
Additionally, ESX will try to resolve the folder esx_modules prior to node_modules.
A demo application that uses several Node modules is included with the engine bundle.
Until we automate this you can follow these steps to activate it:
- run
npm install
in thesrc/main/resources/libs/esx/demo
. This should populate thenode_modules
folder under it. - go back to the modules' root directory
- run
mvn clean install sling:install
- open http://localhost:8080/libs/esx/demo/content/demo.html which should now display the blog demo page
Require Extensions are deprecated (see https://nodejs.org/api/globals.html#globals_require_extensions), therefore we have not implemented/used the extension loaders api and .bin extension cannot be used.
We have borrowed the requirejs loader plugin syntax instead (see http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#text). Additionally to the standard JS loader following two loaders are existing:
text (e.g.
)- will return a javascript native string containing the content of the file
resource (e.g.
) following will be exposed:- properties (resource valuemap)
- path (jcr path)
- simpleResource (has getChildren method with resolved simpleresoruce in an array)
- array with list of children (simpleResource)
json loader (e.g.
)- the json as a whole will be exported as a javascript Object
You can actually follow the NODE JS description on https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html for more detailed explanation.
A module has access to following variables:
- __filename
- __dirname
- console (console.log is a log4j logger registered to the resolved module path and is not a 1:1 console.log implementation for now)
- properties (valuemap)
- simpleResource
- currentNode
- currentNode.path
- currentNode.resource
- currentNode.properties
- sling (SlingScriptHelper)
Path: /apps/demo/components/test/helper/calculator/index.js
function calculate(a, b) {
return a + b;
exports.math = calculate;
Path: /apps/demo/components/test/test.esx
var calculator = require("./helper/calculator");
exports.render = function () {
return calculator.math(2,2);