Often times, especially in this political climate, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of information flowing into our news feeds.
Infome's mission is to make give American's more transparency into the law creation process.
Firstly it's important to review how a bill becomes a law, in order to understand the information you're viewing when you access Infome's tools.
(front-end folder structure following Ducks methodology for redux)
- React.js
- Routes.js
- Redux
- Semantic UI
- Hosted on: NETLIFY
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Hosted on: HEROKU
- Idea!
- Introduced into Congress OR House of representatives
- Bill goes to representative or senators who meet and vote to accept or reject the bill before sending it to
- House or Senate floor for debate
- Subcommittee for further research
- Congress debates and votes
- House OR Senate memebers propose changes or amendments
- If majority vote
the bill, it moves to the other house,- it then goes through a similar process of commitee/ debate / vote
houses have to agree on the final version of the bill before it goes to thePresident
.- House of Reps has an electronic voting system
- Senate votes by voice, saying
- The
can vote toapprove
. The President can also...- Veto
- Choose
No Action
- if nothing done in 10 days, bill becomes law - Pocket Veto - congress adjourns within 10 days after giving president bill, then president can choose not to sign it, and it doesn't become law.
Information above thanks to, usa.gov
- Search all bills that are newly introduced
- Save them to your profile
- Share with friends