Here you can do so many things...................
Add Class :::: In here if your a teacher , then you can add classes. Give student assignment .
Manage Your Class :::: You can manage your Class,update it, delete it.
Show All Available Class :::: You can see entier class from this page , and if you want to enroll it, then you can enroll it
Collaborators :::: We have so many powerful tech partners, they provide us with so many things
Do Business :::: You can do Business with us.
Student ::: You can enroll classes and review it,
Newsletter :::: can subscribe to our website for latest news and for the latest product.
Login/Register ::::::
We have also Register login option . user after login he/she can see there dashboard, payment , classes etc
Dashboard ::::: we have three main roles in here. User or Student, Teacher and Admin. if you are admin you can see three dashboard option, if you are teacher you can see two option ,
Request for teaching :::: you can apply for teaching