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Hey howdy hey, dear reader. Welcome to a blog all about Web Accessibility. Take note that the word accessibility is often shortened to a11y. A11y is a numeronym.

What is web a11y you might ask?

Web a11y is all about making sites and applications usable to as many people as possible no matter how they are differently abled. This noble pursuit involves automated testing, manual testing, and lots of collaboration!

In this blog you will find helpful tips, tricks, gotchas, and other examples of how to make a website or web application accessible for all!

A note concerning package.json and yarn.lock

Please note that you must push your package.json AND yarn.lock files. If you do not, the deploy will fail.

A note on Node and 11ty

Please note that 11ty requires Node version 18 or newer.

Coming from npm world?

Check out this helpful cheatsheet showing npm commands and their yarn equivalents.

Tools used

File structure

/project root/ -> /a11ydetective/
|-- /build/ - Build scripts
|  |-- gulpfile.js - The tasks for the main build process
|  |-- util.js - Utilities used by the tasks
|-- /src/ - Your code
|  |-- ``
|  |-- `style.css` - The raw CSS input, or pre-processor equivalent
|  |-- `script.js` - The raw JavaScript input, or pre-processor equivalent
|-- /dist/ - The compiled output after running `yarn run build`
|  |-- `index.html`
|  |-- `script.js`
|  |-- `style.css`
|-- `.nojekyll` - Tells Github pages to NOT use Jekyll since this project will be using 11ty instead
|-- /.github/workflows/`11ty_build.yml` - Github Pages deploy yaml file
|-- `.eleventy.js` - 11ty config file
|-- `.nvmrc` - Contains node version for the project that will be used when you run `nvm use`
|-- `.gitignore` - Used to hide things from git so they are not commited to the remote repo
|-- `package.json` - Contains information about the project such as node dependencies, build scripts, etc...
|-- `yarn.lock` - Lockfile for package.json
|-- `` - Documentation for how to work within the repo

Import JS files into other JS files using CommonJS

// .eleventy.js
const myModule = require("./path/to/myModule.js");

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addFilter("myFilter", myModule.myFunction);
<!-- Your template file -->
{{ "Hello" | myFilter }}

ES module example

/math.js/ (module)

// Exporting a function
export function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;

// Exporting a variable
export const PI = 3.14159;

/app.js/ (main app js file)

// Importing from the module
import { add, PI } from './math.js';

console.log(add(5, 3)); // 8
console.log(PI); // 3.14159

In the HTML

<script type="module" src="/path/to/app.js"></script>

Getting started

  1. Open your preferred terminal (all commands will be ran in the terminal)
  2. Runnvm use to make sure you are using the correct node version for the project
  3. Run yarn to install the node modules
  4. Run yarn start to run the local developement setup
  5. Navigate to the project url in a browser - http://localhost:8080/



A blog all about Web Accessibility (A11y)






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