This program aims to solving a classic question: eliminate the duplicate elements from an unsorted integer array. For example:
For an original array with 9 elements: {16, 17, 2, 17, 4, 2, 97, 4, 17}
The program should process it to {16, 17, 2, 4, 97} with 5 unique elements, and the extra duplicate elements (in this case, 17, 2, 4) are skipped.
For a given integer array int_arr_input[ NUM_ELEMS ], there are several algorithms to solve this problem.
One can use a 2-layer loop algorithm:
- An outer loop to scan the input integer array int_arr_input[ NUM_ELEMS ].
- An inter loop to check whether the current elem is duplicate or not.
j = 0; /* The index for output array. */
for (i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMS; i++) {
tmp_elem = int_arr_input[i];
for (k = 0; k < j; k++) {
if(int_arr_output[k] == tmp_elem) {
break; /* If duplication found, break the loop */
if( k == j) {
/* If no duplication found, store the integer to the output array */
int_arr_output[j] = tmp_elem;
It is clear, this algorithm would be very slow when the input integer array is very large.
The brute algorithm can be improved. One can record the current maximum
, minimum
, diff-to-maximum
, diff-to-minimum
of the int_arr_output[ NUM_ELEMS_OUTPUT ], the next element of int_arr_input (tmp_elem) can be compared with these 4 values before the brute comparison:
tmp_elem = int_arr_input[i];
tmp_diff_to_max = max_current - tmp_elem;
tmp_diff_to_min = tmp_elem - min_current;
If tmp_diff_to_max == 0
OR tmp_diff_to_min == 0
OR tmp_diff_to_max == prev_diff_to_max
OR tmp_diff_to_min == prev_diff_to_min
, the tmp_elem
is duplicate, skip it and go to the next int_arr_input[i]
If tmp_diff_to_max < 0
OR tmp_diff_to_min < 0
, meaning that the tmp_elem
is out of the previous range and it must be NOT duplicate. Store it, update maximum
, minimum
, diff-to-maximum
, diff-to-minimum
because the range has been expanded by tmp_elem
, and go to the next int_arr_input[i]
If tmp_diff_to_min < diff_to_min
OR tmp_diff_to_max < diff_to_max
, meaning that the tmp_elem
is not duplicate because it is closer to the maximum
or minimum
than the previously stored elements. Store it, update diff-to-maximum
, diff-to-minimum
, and go to the next int_arr_input[i]
All other cases should go to the brute comparison loop, that is:
j = 0; /* The index for output array. */
for (i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMS; i++) {
tmp_elem = int_arr_input[i];
/* handling the conditions described above. */
for (k = 0; k < j; k++) {
if(int_arr_output[k] == tmp_elem) {
break; /* If duplication found, break the loop */
if( k == j) {
/* If no duplication found, store the integer to the output array */
int_arr_output[j] = tmp_elem;
This method is super quick for sorted array because it skipped all the inner loop. For input arrays with randomly-generated integers, this method doesn't help much.
To eleminate the inner loop completely, we can use hash table to record the occurance of elements. By using a division and mod operation to a constant M, Every previously stored integer N can be expressed by 2 integers:
(a = N / M, b = N Mod M )
So, the task of the inner loop (check duplication of tmp_elem
) can be done by storing and checking the a
. And the inner loop can be eleminated completely.
I propose a simple data structure using 2 pointer arrays: one for the positive elements (int *hash_table_base_p[]
), one for the negative elements (int *hash_table_base_n[]
Given the range of signed int (usially is 32-bit) has a range of [ -2^31 , 2^31 ], we can use 65536 (2^16) as the constant M to divide and mod. The quotient would be in [ 0, 32768 ], and the mod would be [ -65535, 65535 ]. So, we can define the size of hash_table_base_p[]
and hash_table_base_n[]
to 32769. Let's check the hash_table_base_p[]
because hash_table_base_n[]
is the designed with the same logic.
For hash_table_base_p[i]
, the initial value is NULL. If ( (a = N / M) == i )
, a mod array with size 65536 would be allocated to store the mod value b = N Mod M
For example if tmp_elem = 65537
and it is NOT duplicate, that is, a = tmp_elem / 65536 = 1
, b = tmp_elem % 65536 = 1
, the hash_table_base_p[1]
would point to an allocated mod_array[65536]
, and mod_array[1]
would be set to 1.
To check whether tmp_elem
is duplicate or not, it is quite simple, the psudo code:
tmp_elem = int_arr_input[i]
If tmp_elem > 0 {
a = tmp_elem / 65536
b = tmp_elem % 65536
if (hash_table_base_p[a] != NULL) AND ((hash_table_base_p[a])[b] == 1) {
else {
} else {
Obviously, this algorithm is able to improve and guarantee the performance especially when the int_arr_input[ NUM_ELEMS ] is big.
The original hash table algorithm is not memory efficient. It creates 2 large base pointer arrays hash_table_base_p[32769]
and hash_table_base_n[32769]
at the very beginning; and each branch has a fixed length 65536
. We can improve the design.
Firstly, we introduce a new data structure:
typedef struct {
unsigned int branch_size_p; /* The positive mod branch size */
unsigned int branch_size_n; /* The negative mod branch size */
int *ptr_branch_p; /* Pointer to the positive mode branch */
int *ptr_branch_n; /* Pointer to the negative mode branch */
} hash_table_base_node;
Then, we define a initial size of the dynamic hash table:
#define HT_DYN_INI_SIZE 32
Then, we can get the required hash table base size and the branch size at each step, and scale the base size and branch size accordingly by using realloc()
and memset()
and update the base size and branch size.
Obviously, this dynamic hash table algorithm is memory efficient and avoid over allocation of memory.
The hash table algorithms above have a general drawback - memory inefficient. To tag whether an integer occured or not, we only need one bit information, that is 0 or 1. But those algorithms use an integer to store a 1 bit information! That is really a super waste of memory. We can improve it and suppress the memory usage to 32x smaller.
Firstly, we can define a new structure:
typedef struct {
unsigned int branch_size_p;
unsigned int branch_size_n;
unsigned char *ptr_branch_p;
unsigned char *ptr_branch_n;
} bit_hash_table_node;
Then, we define 2 inline functions to flip and check the bit of a byte:
inline void flip_bit(unsigned char *byte_a, unsigned char bit_position) {
*byte_a |= (0x80 >> bit_position);
inline int check_bit(unsigned char byte_a, unsigned char bit_position) {
return byte_a & (0x80 >> bit_position);
Then, to tag an integer, we only need to flip the corresponding bit from 0 to 1; to check an integer, we only need to check whether the corresponding bit is 0 or 1.
32x memory suppressed with this method so that it can handle super large randomness space (up to the RAND_MAX defined as 2147483647).
The preliminery benchmark suppports the analysis of the algorithms above. See the screenshot below.
The HASH algorithm is 10000x faster than the other 2 algorithms.
Program Name: Filter-Uniq-Ints
Purpose: filter out unique integers from an unsorted integer array. E.g. {1,2,1,3} should be filtered to {1,2,3}
License: MIT
You need a C compiler to build.
- For Microsoft Windows users, mingw-w64 is recommended
- For GNU/Linux Distro or other *nix users, the GNU Compiler Collections, known as gcc, is a perfect one
- For macOS users, clang is easy to install and use (brew is not needed to install clang on macOS).
- CMake > 3.20
- Use git to clone this code:
git clone
- Change your directory:
cd filter-uniq-ints
- Configure CMake:
cmake -B cmake-build-release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
- Build command example:
cmake --build cmake-build-release --config Release --target all
Command Format: cmd argv[1] argv[2]
: A string to specify an integer as the number of elems input. E.g. 10032argv[2]
: A string to specify an integer as the maximum random number generated. E.g. 1000
Any bugs or problems found, please submit issues to this repo. I'd be glad to communicate on any issues.
Or, you can also email me: [email protected]