The personal site starter creates a site that includes:
- professional information
- links to your online presence
- ability to subscribe
- blog posts with social sharing
- responsiveness for mobile
- easy customization
You can see a demo here:
This project incoporates aspects of the following templates:
Blog posts are stored in /_posts
as Markdown files with front matter support. Adding a new Markdown file in there will create a new blog post.
To create the blog posts we use remark
and remark-html
to convert the Markdown files into an HTML string, and then send it down as a prop to the page. The metadata of every post is handled by gray-matter
and also sent in props to the page.
The site gets a near perfect Lighthouse score so you can expect your site to be extremely performant.
You can deploy the personal-site-starter
using AWS Amplify. A complete tutorial can be found here:
Host a portfolio site with Next.js and AWS in under 30 minutes
Execute create-next-app
with npm, Yarn, or pnpm to bootstrap the example:
npx create-next-app --example personal-site-starter-app
yarn create next-app --example personal-site-starter-app
pnpm create next-app --example personal-site-starter-app
Now you can simply run:
npm run dev
Your personal site should be up and running on http://localhost:3000! If it doesn't work, post on GitHub discussions.
You can use the aws-subscribers project to store subscribers in AWS. You can find a tutorial to integrate the aws-subscribers
project here:
Start tracking subscribers in AWS in under 30 minutes
It's easy to setup a custom domain with AWS Amplify. You can find a tuotrial to setup your own custom domain here:
Configure a custom domain for your AWS Amplify App
Contributions are certainly welcome! Whether you would like to enhance the site starter, or feature your site that was built with the starter, simply submit a pull request. To feature your site, simply add it to this README in the pull request.
uses Tailwind CSS (v3.0).