- DanPelGar (Daniel Pellicer)
- Virako (Víctor Ramírez)
- Otaruk (Álvaro Fernández)
- Xanday (Miguel Murat)
- JJHaggar (Juan Jesus Ligero).
- Music and sounds by Estudio EverGreen (DanPelGar).
Code released under the Apache License.
All sounds, music and graphics are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
If you've got problems importing the project into Eclipse, you can do it by following these steps:
Open console (cmd.exe) and type "git clone https://github.com/jjhaggar/ludum30_a_hole_new_world.git"
Make a plain text file called "local.properties" with the location of your android SDK. For example: sdk.dir=C:/ProgramFiles/adt-bundle-windows-x86/sdk)
Open Eclipse and click on "File>Import>Gradle Project", browse to the folder where you cloned the repository and then on "Build Model", after that you'll be able to import the 4 projects into your workspace (although html doesn't work right now).
If you've got any other question feel free to ask ;)