The flir_ptu_ethernet package, based on RComponent structure. Package for controlling the FLIR PTU using ROS.
- robotnik_msgs 🔗
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- rcomponent 🔗
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- robotnik_sensors 🔗
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desired_freq (double, default: 10.0): The frequency of the node.
ip_address (string, default: The IP address of the device.
max_pan_speed (double, default: 120.0): The pan speed limit.
max_tilt_speed (double, default: 120.0): The tilt speed limit.
joint_pan_position_controller/command (std_msgs/Float64): Topic for send a new pan position goal to the device.
joint_tilt_position_controller/command (std_msgs/Float64): Topic for send a new tilt position goal to the device.
joint_pan_speed_controller/command (std_msgs/Float64): Topic for send a new pan velocity to the device.
joint_tilt_speed_controller/command (std_msgs/Float64): Topic for send a new tilt velocity to the device.
~state (robotnik_msgs/State): Information of the current state of the node.
~data (std_msgs/String): Information of the current position of the device, in degrees.
~data_stamped (robotnik_msgs/StringStamped): Same as ~data topic, with a timestamp.
joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState): This topic publishes the joint states.
roslaunch flir_ptu_ethernet flir_ptu_ethernet.launch ip_address:=