Contributors: jazzsequence
Donate link:
Tags: two-columns, custom-menu, threaded-comments, sticky-post, custom-background, featured-image-header, featured-images, post-formats, right-sidebar, translation-ready
Requires at least: 3.2
Tested up to: 4.9.4
Stable tag: 2.1.7
A simple, responsive WordPress theme/framework with support for internationalization, post formats, thumbnails, background, header, menus, custom favicon and more...
Museum Core is a clean, responsive framework with support for built-in WordPress theme options like post thumbnails, post formats, custom backgrounds & header, etc. A theme options page lets you customize the typefaces used in the theme, footer credit, sidebar position, link colors and more. Core can be used as a standalone theme or as a framework for other themes or child themes.
- Polish translation by anemoone
- German translation by Christian Mauderer
- Spanish translatin by Wenke Adam
Call for contributors!
If you like this theme and you would like to help maintain it, please get in touch with me on twitter (@jazzs3quence) via email ([email protected]) or on the GitHub repo as this is no longer a project that I am actively developing or maintaining.
- Unpack and upload the contents of
to the/wp-content/themes/
directory. - Activate the theme through the Themes menu in WordPress.
- That's it!
There are currently no screenshots.
- strip 'http:' from font URLs to improve HTTPS support #86
- fix a PHP notice when changing link colors #87
- fixed a bug where sidebar would not load correctly due to using name instead of ID issue
- use
add_theme_support( 'title-tag' )
instead of<title><?php wp_title(); ?></title>
- add text domain to style.css
- fixed a bug where language files would not load (thanks @c-mauderer) issue
- added German translation
- added Spanish translation
- fixed a bug where html in the footer would display the code instead of rendering html
- added .screen-reader-text class to allow text to be read by screen readers but hidden from browsers
- fixed breadcrumbs infinite loop issue
- fixed allowed HTML block breaking tag midword
- fixed HTML displaying for author link in comments issue
- fixed various undefined index errors when some (but not all) options were set and WP_DEBUG was set to true issue
- added right margin to post format icons
- removed old legacy custom css support
- proper sanitization of customizer settings
- removed support for [clear] shortcode (wp theme review requirements)
- added support for mobile navbar for either header nav (not just topnav) -- default will be top nav, with main nav being used if no top nav exists
was lost when moving the font to a custom set. added it back.- fixed textdomain issues
- stored WP_Customize_Color_Control in a variable
- switched to CamelCase for AP_Core_WP_Bootstrap_Navwalker class
- sanitized lots of stuff
- fixed "Expected next thing to be an escaping function" message when running VIP checks
- changed the post icon to a thumbtack
- switched icon pact to custom reduced version of fontawesome
- added support for image attachment pages
- added
theme support value - added RTL support
- added default
array - added quotes around datetime values
- removed function to add a home page link to the menus (now handled by core)
- fixed
- updated bootstrap.js with custom version with only the plugins used by the theme
- removed a lot of old code from comments template
- bootstrapped comments
- added bootstrap pagers to previous/next comment paged links
- escapes author meta before outputting it
- removed a bunch of unused code from the search template
- moved
check to be inside thepager
div - varios archive template fixes
- removed the title check on single posts
- removed double
divs - allowed pages to use the postmetadata template part
- changed how the options are checked in post templates
- changed the way the date displays
- removed different handling of the date on image posts
- added a date tag to quote and status posts
- moved icon out of the postmetadata part and into the post format parts
- renamed template parts that run the loop within the template part
- removed the check for
since nothing is being added as a default - replaced some bootstrap classes
- removed some redundant bootstrap classes
- adds new function that moves the meta tags to functions.php and allows other devs to modify via a filter
- adds initial scale & removed
- removed
(updates h5bp) - removed conditional html classes (updates h5bp)
- moved
inside the doctype element
- Fixed an issue with previous/next page navigation on singlular pages
- Fixes a bug with excerpts on archive pages
- Removed
and allinclude
functions for that file, replaced with functions to do those checks - Removed
checks for pre-3.4 functions - Moved
directly above</head>
- Moved
directly above</body>
- Renamed
- Escaped all instances of
- Set background color and border to top navbar to transparent
** Major update! Please read the Upgrade Notice for specific update notes. **
- Moved all external js, css and font files to new
directory - Removed admin.css, color-picker.js, hovercards.js, formalize.js, suckerfish.js, uploader.js
- Added new font subset option for better font i18n handling
- Removed blueprint.css and formalize.css styles
- Removed 1140 grid layout
- Added Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 framework
- Removed custom css option (use My Custom CSS or Jetpack)
- Removed default link colors (inherits from Bootstrap)
- Replaced Theme Options page with full Customizer support
- Removed
- Renamed Generator option (to identify version for troubleshooting) to "Debug Mode"
- Added support for 2 new fonts (Open Sans and Noto Serif)
- Added support for customization of content area background color and font color
- Removed old image icons and automatic filetype link images
- Fixed an issue with the permalink title attribute
- Added Theme Hook Alliance hooks
- Removed normalize.css styles that were duplicated with Bootstrap from H5BP css framework
- Updated handling of the header image and large post thumbnail support
- Bootstrap-izes various styles throughout the theme
- Added new template parts for navigation, postmeta, title, and link pages
- Added FontAwesome icon font
- Fixed an issue with captioned images going off the page if they are wider than the body container
- Updated wp-caption, gallery and calendar styles
- Added icons for all post formats
- Added Justin Tadlock & David Chandra's chat format filter for better chat post handling
- Fixed an issue where very long words would extend out of their containers
- Added Bootstrap progress bars for my Progress Bar plugin
- Refreshed comment styling
- If you have saved custom CSS, added an area in the customizer to copy the code & a setting to remove the message when you're done
- Removed text shadows from everything
- Added wp-bootstrap-navwalker class by twittem for Bootstrap nav menu support
- Added navbar customization options (positioning, colors)
- Added support for breadcrumbs
- fixes true/false booleans that weren't actual booleans
- fixes tagline displaying when site title is set to false, reported here
- fixes undefined variable notices for blank custom styles
- fixes get_template_part
- removes negative left margin on sticky posts
- sanitizes variable output on theme options page
- fixes error on validation if favicon is null
- removed some old blueprint.css typography styles and set preformatted code, code, and tt font size to 12px
- left padding mistakenly set as right padding instead - fixes issue reported here and here
- fixed some undefined variable notices
- added link to header image if site title is being hidden in the options. fixes this
- turns h2s into h1s
- fixed a bug on the author page where the author name was being echoed incorrectly
- adds a post author option to display post author in the post meta section
- switches all pseudo-boolean expressions to be actual boolean expressions
- moves all the template parts into a
subdirectory - minor update to language files to support new changes
- moved optional header meta out of the
and into awp_head
action - sanitized and stripped tags from content being fed into meta description tags
- moves favicon out of
to awp_head
action and sanitizes url before output - added a
to the link color input selection if it's empty for farbtastic - only outputs the custom styles if they are set and aren't the default values
- moved admin css to its own stylesheet
- wraps all functions in
if (!function_exists())
checks (for building child themes) - adds language_attributes() to ie conditional classes
- added an option to hide the site title (so you can use the header image by itself, instead)
- added more secure file validation for favicon uploads
- fixed issue with gravatars in comments
- fixed theme options layout issue in 3.3.2
- added page template for page with no sidebar
- removed base color from h tags (conflicted with themeroller stylesheets and overrode body color)
- removed thead background color (kind of ugly anyway, and looks horrible with certain color palettes)
- added an option to add custom css
- changed the version for a major revision
- rewrote the theme options page so each option is in its own separate function (to make building theme options pages for child themes & using some options from Core, but not all options easier/possible)
- adds option for full posts or excerpts on archive pages
- adds option to disable Twitter hovercards
- adds another font option (Lato, apparently good for Polish language)
- loads all fonts from Google Webfonts instead of embedding them (and supporting international character sets, when available)
- added option for uploading favicon
- removed non-GPL css framework
- updated PressTrends tracking code
- added some comment form styling
- added Polish language file
- renamed English language file
- fixed tabs so they're translatable
- adds support for WordPress 3.4 functions, if they exist
- updated theme description
- added a reset for WordPress rss feed icon (already using one in our stylesheet)
- fixes trackbacks on comments
- hides the (empty) button if there are comments/trackbacks but comments/trackbacks are not enabled (yeah, sort of an edge case but looks weird)
- fixes
WARNING: wp-content/themes/AP-Museum_Core/functions.php:335 - sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments
PHP debug error
- removed extend link from default footer
- fixed generator
- updated language files
- added some theme tags
- fixed user meta issue in comments (thanks @anemoone & @alchymyth)
- fixes an issue with links in the footer not linking correctly (thanks @anemoone)
- updated default footer text and l10n
- added some new styles for viewports smaller than 380px (i.e. iPhones/iPods and probably most other smartphones)
- added responsive styles for embeds (particularly YouTube videos) for smaller viewports/mobile devices
- adds support for sub-submenus (thanks @MsWeaver)
- added search icon with css3 transition to slide it out of the input box onfocus
- disabled PressTrends by default
- removes function_exists check in sidebar.php
- added search box to search results page and changed search box type to "search"
- fixes a display issue with 'Leave a Reply' comment heading when comments are paginated
- moved ap_core_generator to wp_head
- moved custom title tag to wp_title
- localized footer default text & replaced footer fallback with default
- fixed postmeta
- adds a permalinked (no title) to posts without a title
- fixed archive headings
- changed sidebar selection to dropdown
- changed depth of footer menu to 1 level
- fixed responsive styles
- localized 'go' button
- removed favicon support (for now)
- added jquery-ui tabs on theme options page
- fixed page with comments not displaying comments
- prefixed all non-prefixed functions with ap_core_
- added htmlentities encoding and some stripslashes madness to the footer text input box
- hooked theme and sidebar business to widgets_init
- wrapped WP core functions in function_exists if statements
- added advanced theme options for meta tags
- added and set default settings
- removed TEMPLATEPATH constants
- moved comment-reply script call to ap_core_load_scripts
- internationalized searchform
- removed debug code
- implemented checked() and selected() for theme options
- fixed (for real this time) internationalization
- moved AP_CORE_OPTIONS to ap_core_setup (for child themes)
- fixed dropdown menu styling
- added a human-time-diff class to quote and status posts
- removed list style from comment children
- made meta charset dynamic
- updated license info
- added comment support to pages
- defined a default header image (that actually exists in the theme)
- commented out favicon support (since no favicon is included in the theme)
- defined a default $plugin_name value to eliminate undefined variable issue in presstrends function
- changed text domain to slug
- removed SEO from footer link and changed url
- added use alt font for h1 option
- added option to change footer text
- fixes an issue with the farbtastic color picker
- fixes both headers displaying if no header image is set
- changed positioning for feedback/support tab to pixels for better display on all resolutions
- added screenshot
- replaced
- added smooth fade to link colors in header styles
- i18nized all files, tested with Pig Latin.
- removed dates from changelogs (not really helpful and hindering releasing multiple versions in the same day)
- added show excerpts option/full post
- added meta generator function
- updated load-options.php to suppress php warnings
- added the rest of the font options and a link color option
- added farbtastic color picker for link color
- added custom styles function to load options in wp_head
- removed beta tag
- moved .alt class to h2 in header instead of h1
- added side box on options page with news feed, twitter and get satisfaction feedback widget
- removed old example code
- added post format styles
- added custom author page
- added options array for theme fonts
- added font examples on theme options page
- added dropdown for headings (not functional yet)
- integrated tracking
- included load-options.php on all pages that need to load options
- updated header images to 1140 width and header image definition
- updated generator tag with current version
- fixed some cosmetic spacing issues in the header
- updated sticky padding/margins so it doesn't look weird against the regular posts
- defined the sidebar if 'left' is selected
- added /inc/load-options.php to keep php out of the template files
- added /inc/theme-options.php
- made sidebar options functional (beginnings of new theme options page using Settings API)
- updated style.css to current h5bp style.css
- updated modernizr to 2.5.3
- updated header.php to add some h5pb updates
- added .gallery-caption styling
- wrapped scripts and stylesheets in a function (fixes NOTICE that wp_enqueue_scripts/wp_enqueue_styles was being loaded incorrectly)
- added .sticky styling -- that takes care of the WordPress theme requirements
- added some built-in pre/tt/code styling
- added comment styling
- took care of .bypostauthor required comment class
- removed override for <q> tag. It's a little ridiculous to use a tag for that, but it is one of the things that's being checked in the theme test, so doing it for the sake of WP theme uniformity/compatibility
- updated #comments ol, #comments ul styling to allow margins for
s within comments - actually added human time diff to asides (was listed in notes for 0.3.4 but it wasn't actually there)
- integrated Andy Taylor's 1140 grid layout for wider layout that's more responsive
- removed tr.even td background color (because it was ugly)
- removed some whitespace
- added header image support
- removed whitespace from readme files, style.css, header.php
- added generator tag to header.php (for troubleshooting)
- inverted changelog (newest updates on top)
- added content width to functions.php
- added language attributes to html tag
- added wp_link_pages to all post formats (some of these aren't really applicable, like link posts, but adding it to everything to be thorough)
- removed old comments form and replaced with comment_form function
- enqueueing comment-reply script on single posts
- updated post formats with dynamic date format where post time displays (time tag still has a hard-coded timestamp to comply with HTML5 date/time standard)
- added footernav styling
- added footer box styling
- split out template parts for post formats and content types
- changed version
- added license uri
- updated aside format
- updated status format
- humanized date for status (will probably do this for asides as well)
- replaced bloginfo('url') with echo home_url() in header.php
- replaced bloginfo('template_directory') with echo get_template_directory_uri() in header.php
- added Tags: to style.css (but left blank for now)
- changed version
- added some css3 sliding transition to topnav
- added some css formatting
- changed link color
- duplicated topnav styles for mainnav
- added content styles
- updated version
- added support for wp-pagenavi
- moved get_sidebar to above get_footer for SEO
- added
to site headings - added HTML5 tags to single.php
- added
tag to single.php - added HTML5 tags to archive.php
- added post thumbnails to archive.php
- changed post thumbnail size
- added HTML5 tags to page.php
- added HTML5 tags to search.php
- changed deprecated bloginfo('url') to current echo home_url() in searchform.php
- changed h1 to alt (this will be a toggle eventually)
- changed alt class to use embedded PTSans as primary font in stack
- started css fixing
- changed container for wp_nav_menus to and removed tag
- added topnav menu styling
- updated version
- added viewport meta tag
- added modernizr js
- added HTML5
tag and formatted markup - added HTML5
tag and formatted markup - removed redundant
- added
tag to post date and removed<div>
- replaced multiple
s with HTML5 equivalents for content - replaced
s with HTML5 equivalents to 404 page - added frowny face and span[frown] from BPH5 404.html
- applied text-shadow to body type
- replaced blueprint resets and print styles with BPH5 css
- removed ie conditional stylesheet (in favor of BPH5 conditional classes)
- removed separate typography stylesheet (replaced with inline css in style.css)
- leaving the embedded typography in a separate stylesheet but changing the call to 'stylesheet_directory' rather than 'template_directory' -- this is so each child theme can define its own styles without loading the fonts from the parent theme
- added for the benefit of Git
- added typography styles from blueprintCSS
- added icons plugin from blueprintCSS (but removed the external link icons)
- changed name to AP Museum Core (from AP-Museum_Core)
- added formalize.css styles
- added formalize js & enqueued jquery
- updated doctype (from BPH5)
- added conditional classes (as opposed to conditional stylesheets) (from BPH5)
- added meta description (pulls from taxonomy description if on a taxonomy page (custom taxonomies, tags, categories) or page/post excerpt (if on single post or any page that supports the_excerpt)
- added author meta tag
- fixed ap_core_setup (using wrong hook)
- added nav menus to header.php
- removed nav menu fallback default (set to no fallback)
- removed old twitter callback scripts
- changed do_action('wp_footer') to wp_footer()
- changed footer text
- added footer menu
- added Inconsolata font for monospaced elements (pre, tt, code and .code class)
- added more typography classes for potential typography settings options
- added new theme options page and sidebar options (still a work in progress)
- updated version
- removed sharing options from single posts
- updated version
- added menu support
- added automatic feed links
- added custom header stuff
- added custom background support
- added post formats support
- added ap_core_setup
- added fonts
- added style.css call to the functions.php file
- added screen.css and print.css to the style.css
- removed css calls in header.php
- added ie conditional to functions.php
- added versioning relative to theme version to wp_register_style and wp_register_script calls
- changed version
- added readme.txt with changelog
- initial commit (forked from AP-blueprint)
- updated style.css with name, new version # and description
- removed landing sites
- removed theme options
- removed git README
- removed calls to get-theme-options.php
- removed twitter widget from footer (discontinuing hard-coded twitter feeds in the theme since this is easily added with Jetpack or any of a million other plugins)
- removed left/right if statement (may bring this back in some revised form)
- removed social media links (may bring these back but probably won't)
- removed twitter widget (see note on last footer commit)
- uncommented the dynamic title tags in the header (will change these around later)
- changed path to reset styles
- removed link to non-existant fonts.css (but may add another one later)
- renamed /blueprint to /css
- removed tweet button and dynamic twitter variable in sharing block (might remove the sharing block entirely, anyway, since -- again -- sharedaddy is included in Jetpack)
2.1.2 dropped support for the [clear] shortcode that was previously built in. Shortcodes are generally plugin functionality and updated requirements of the theme review process required the removal of the add_shortcode
function. If you were previously using the [clear] shortcode, you will need to replace those with <div class="clear"></div>
or create your own plugin with the following function:
if (!function_exists('ap_core_clear')) {
function ap_core_clear() {
return '<div class="clear"></div>';
You can also add this to a custom child theme functions.php file. I will submit a new plugin to the plugins repository to support the clear shortcode in the near future.
If you can help with the translation project, please get in touch with me! [email protected]