This is a Gradle plugin for running Pitest mutation testing. It is designed to be used in environments where jdk and junit are of old version, and you have no network access to download the Pitest JARs.
- Compatibility with Java 8 and later
- Integration with Jacoco for code coverage analysis
- Support for running tests in parallel
- Support to run pitest for passed class only
- Support to add additional required jars
- Support to change pitest jar by specifying the directory
- Support running pitest on not green test suite. for a test suite contains dozens of failure test classes, we can still evaluate the mutation score for the passed test classes. This is achieved by matching the test class name with the test cases in the Junit event hook, Test or Test, if the naming convetion is not of this format, you can specify the test cases for the test class in the
- Add the plugin to your
plugins {
id 'com.github.jaksonlin.pitest' version '1.0.0'
- Configure Jacoco in your
jacoco {
toolVersion = "0.8.7" // Use the latest version
jacocoTestReport {
reports {
xml.enabled true
html.enabled true
- Add Pitest dependencies:
- Download the Pitest JARs manually (pitest-1.16.0.jar, pitest-entry-1.16.0.jar, pitest-commandline-1.16.0.jar)
- Place them in a directory within your project (e.g.,
) - Add the following to your
dependencies {
testImplementation files('libs/pitest-1.16.0.jar', 'libs/pitest-entry-1.16.0.jar', 'libs/pitest-commandline-1.16.0.jar')
- Or you can specify the directory of Pitest jars:
pitestConfig {
pitestJarsDirectory = 'libs'
- Configure the Pitest plugin:
pitest {
pitestVersion = '1.16.0'
mutators = ['STRONGER', 'DEFAULTS']
threads = 4
timeoutConst = 5000
jacocoReportPath = "$project.buildDir/../../target/jacoco/jacocoTest.exec"
additionalRequiredJars = ['commons-text', 'commons-lang3', 'byte-buddy-agent']
additionalJarDirectories = ['libs']
pitestJarsDirectory = '<path to pitest jars>'
for additionalRequiredJars, you can specify the jars that are not in the Pitest distribution package, for example, you can add dependencies that are not in the classpath when running pitest.
In addition, in order to generate XML format report, commons-text
and commons-lang3
are required, and you should keep them in additionalRequiredJars
, and the plugin will lookup these jars in the additionalJarDirectories
As for byte-buddy-agent
, it is to address the issue that mockito may fail to initialize inline mock maker in some old version of JDK, and to resolve the issue, we need to load the byte-buddy-agent
in Pitest as java agent, so that when a new JVM is started by Pitest, the inline mock maker can be initialized. You can remove it if you don't need to use mockito inline mock maker.
To make the test execution stable, we also add the byte-buddy-agent
for the test execution environment.
- Ensure your test classes follow the naming convention:
Run the mutation tests:
./gradlew mutest
This will:
- Run your tests
- Generate Jacoco coverage reports
- Run Pitest for each passing test class
- Generate Pitest reports in
- The plugin automatically sets up the classpath for Pitest.
- Jacoco reports are appended to
. - Pitest reports are generated in XML format.
- Failed tests are skipped for Pitest analysis.
- The plugin will only run pitest on test classes that the test cases for them are passed.
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
classpath "com.github.jaksonlin:pitest-gradle-plugin:1.0.0"