is a tool that captures NZX 50 stock financial data from the Yahoo Finance web service based on a user's subcriptions. It has the following capabilities:
- Captures the live prices of NZX 50 stocks at a configurable time interval
- Displays the last 5 prices of each stock that is subscribed to (if available)
- Creates a text report of NZX 50 stock data that all users are subscribed to on a hourly basis and stores the pdfs in the stockpdfs folder on the server.
Install all required gems:
bundle install
Update the database configuration file 'database.yml'.
Create database:
rake db:create
Run all migrations:
rake db:migrate
Seed the database:
rake db:seed
Configure the application to your needs: background task intervals (see below)
Adapt the application to your needs (see below)
Update the cron jobs:
whenever --update-crontab
Start Redis server:
redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
Run application server:
rails s
Setup a user account and add subscriptions via Manage Subscriptions page
YFExtractor uses a PostgreSQL database to build the application. Ensure you have it running on your machine (please refer to: http://www.gotealeaf.com/blog/how-to-install-postgresql-on-a-mac)
YFExtractor uses a Redis database to enqueue jobs in Redis to be processed by the cron jobs. Ensure it is running prior to booting the application (please refer to: https://medium.com/@petehouston/install-and-config-redis-on-mac-os-x-via-homebrew-eb8df9a4f298#.e8a56wu3d).
There are two background processes (cron jobs) running in the application:
- Retrieving the current stock data
- Creating a text report of new stock data
The application can be adapted to your own needs in the following ways:
Change the background task intervals:
- config/schedule.rb
- After updating the jobs scheduling interval, you will need to run the following command
whenever --update-crontab
Login to the application:
- Subscribe to stocks in the NZX 50 that you are interested in via the Manage Subscriptions page
- Tania Jacob (https://github.com/jacobtani)