These are YAML representations of the HL7 FHIR profiles used in the CA-Scratch 'implementation guide'.
Authoring profiles using YAML:
- is (relatively) human friendly,
- allows authors to capture comments inline during editing, and
- is very easy to convert to JSON for publishing.
These are part of work process supported by two scripts:
Script 1: Pulls a resource (JSON artifact) directly from, converts it to YAML, localizes the resource metadata, comments out the structure definition and strips back some content unnecessary for profile editing;
Author: Edits constraints and extensions by hand in YAML; and
Script 2: Converts the updated YAML file to JSON, runs JSON schema validation on the resource and pushes it to the CA-Scratch repository for publishing.
- Comments (and commented out structure definition) in the YAML document are not carried into the JSON artifact during conversion and publishing of the Profile.
- This work process has (so far) supported this analysis but it has not been fully and properly tested.