A ZeroMQ-based command-line notification system in Python
Got notification envy? You're using a CLI most of the time but you see those people running X desktops receiving sweet notifications all the time?
Say no more!
This little program consists of a zmq server (zmq-notifier.py) an two clients, one to send new notifications to the server (zmq-notify-send.py) and one to retrieve a notification from the server. (zmq-notify-get.py)
The server keeps the last 5 notifications in memory and returns a notification when you issue a GET request (through zmq-notify-get.py). Next time you issue a GET the next notification in the list is returned, and so on.
Start the server in the background:
$ zmq-notifier.py &
Send some notifications to it:
$ zmq-notify-send This is a notification
$ zmq-notify-send "This should work too"
###But where do you display the notifications?
in tmux:
:set -g status-right '#(zmq-notify-get.py)'
:set -g status-interval 5