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Guest Permissions for Google Calendar Invites

Bonnie Wolfe edited this page Dec 28, 2022 · 10 revisions

Guest Permissions for Google Calendar Invites


Currently, there are 3 options for Guest Permissions:

  • Modify event - Change all event details, including removing guests
  • Invite others - Invite others
  • See guest list - View guest list, email guests from invite


The last 2 are selected by default when setting up an invite. However, for Hack for LA team member invites, it is recommended that you select Modify Event as well.

Benefits for Team Members

  • Allows a team member to permanently delete themselves from the invite if they:
    • no longer need/want to attend a specific meeting
    • they leave the team without proper offboarding

Benefits for PMs and other leads

  • Not having to log into the email address for the calendar to modify it
    • The ability to change the calendar to add items to it (links, etc.)
    • The ability to delete specific events (e.g., when they fall on a holiday, etc.)

Reasons not to check Modify Event

Every recommendation or rule has its exceptions

  • If the event is public (which does not usually apply to teams)
  • If your team is likely to make inappropriate changes to the meeting invite, even accidentally (like deleting it for everyone)