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All code (but not the dataset) necessary to reproduce the machine learning results from the master's thesis: Drews, Haakon. “Classification of Error Types in Physiotherapy Exercises,” 2017.

What follows is an overview of functionality and data flow. For more details please refer to the usage instructions of the different components by passing the --help argument. See the examples folder for examples of the file structure layout. Note: the example csv files do not contain real exercises or error types.

Main flow and functionality

  • Record the sensor data for each sample and save it to a CSV file.
  • Calculate the distance between each sample using DTW
  • Generate confusion matrices
  • Visualize the recorded motion data in a very simple way (real-time and playback of csv files)


Tested on Linux only.

Main requirements are

Motion capture

Message bus


Sensor clients

  • readLP.c

Data consumers


Data flow

  • A message bus is run which the other components use to interface.
  • For each type of sensor used, a client is run which forwards the motion data from the sensor to the message bus. Contains clients for the Myo and LPMS-B sensors.
  • To record the sensor data, a recording client is connected to the message bus which receives all sensor data and saves it to a CSV file in an appropriate folder structure.
  • The visualizer can be connected to the message bus to make sure the motion data is received correctly in real-time.

Data processing

  • Having recorded all samples, is used to calculate all DTW distances between the samples. A pickle containing the processed data set is saved to a file.
./ --help
usage: [-h] [-d {quaternion,euclidean}] [-t DATA_TYPE] [-V]
                   [-i SENSOR_ID_CATEGORY]
                   [-r [SENSORS_REQUIRED [SENSORS_REQUIRED ...]]] [-j JOBS]

Calculate all distances between samples in the current directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d {quaternion,euclidean}, --dist-type {quaternion,euclidean}
                        Either 'quaternion' (default) or 'euclidean'.Note that
                        the quaternion distance function will likely throw
                        weird errors for anything but quaternions.
  -t DATA_TYPE, --data-type DATA_TYPE
                        Must be the same as the column label in the data files
                        used (for example 'quat')
  -V, --verbose         Be verbose
                        The name of the csv column in the CSV input file
                        containing the sensor id. Default is 'id'
                        List of required sensors. If specified, will abort if
                        a required sensor is missing from input data
  -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS  Number of jobs to run concurrently
  • Using the exported data set file, is used to classify each sample using the k-nearest-neighbor algorithm and generate confusion matrices.
./ --help
usage: [-h] [-s [SENSORS [SENSORS ...]]] [-k KNEIGHBORS]
                      [--class-type {exercise,mode}] [-t DATA_TYPE]
                      [-l {all,exact}] [-d DPI] [-V] [--save] [--show]

Generate confusion matrices and classify using k-NN

positional arguments:
  inputfile             Pickle file generated by containing an

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s [SENSORS [SENSORS ...]], --sensors [SENSORS [SENSORS ...]]
                        List of required sensors to combine for kNN matching.
                        If not specified, combine all available.
  -k KNEIGHBORS, --kneighbors KNEIGHBORS
                        Number of neighbors to use for majority voting matches
  --class-type {exercise,mode}
                        'exercise' for classification by exercise or 'mode'
                        for classification by error type
  -t DATA_TYPE, --data-type DATA_TYPE
                        Data type to use
  -l {all,exact}, --leave-me-out {all,exact}
                        set leaveMeOut scheme. Must be 'all' (leave out all
                        with same tsID) or 'exact' (leave out all with same
                        tsID and same exercise)
  -d DPI, --dpi DPI     Set DPI for the saved figure
  -V, --verbose         enable verbose mode
  --save                save figure to file
  --show                show figure


Visualizer Confusion matrix