This is the source repository for draft-ietf-taps-transports, in fulfillment of item 1 of the IETF TAPS WG charter.
This repository is set up with the assumption that editing is done in Markdown (using [kramdown-rfc2629}( syntax), from which xml and txt are generated. To install the toolchain (assuming you have ruby and python installed):
# gem install kramdown-rfc2629
# pip install xml2rfc
To generate XML:
$ kramdown-rfc2629 > draft-ietf-taps-transports-00.xml
$ rfc2xml draft-ietf-taps-transports-00.xml
A makefile will be available soon.
To apply edits to the XML file, please contact the editors (Gorry Fairhurst, Brian Trammell, or Mirja Kühlewind) with diffs.