bun install
To run:
bun run src/index.ts
Usage: index [options] [command]
-h, --help display help for command
service-glide <repo-path> Do everything to remove indirect imports
parse-file <file>
fix-package-use [options] <directory> Add/remove Glide package imports from a package, depending
on whether they are used
move-file-package <source-file> <target-directory> Move a file to a package directory and update its exports
barrel-export <package-dir> <source-paths...> Generate a barrel export for a package
rewrite-imports <name> <from-path> <to-path> <source-paths...> Rewrite import paths in a project
count-dependency-imports [directory] Iterates through each package dependencies with nx output
and counts the imports of each one. Useful for finding
instances of light imports where dependencies could be
dedup-imports [options] <source-paths...> Rewrites multiple imports of the same package to a single
verbatim-imports <source-paths...> Rewrites imports to use the verbatim import syntax with
explicit extensions
resolve-imports [options] <packages-path> <source-paths...> Resolve imports of re-exported symbols
count-imports <source-paths...> Count the number of imports of each symbol
remove-re-exports <source-paths...> Remove re-exports of symbols
help [command] display help for command
This is what you want to use if you're moving stuff between packages and need to clean up. Please watch the video first:
bun run service-glide ~/Work/glide
Finds and removes unused packages from package.json
for pkg in `cat ~/Work/glide/.topological-packages` ; do echo $pkg ; if ! bun run src/index.ts fix-package-use -f ~/Work/glide/packages/$pkg ; then break ; fi ; done
This CLI tool moves a TypeScript file from one package to another lower-level one, leaving behind a file that just re-exports what the original file exported. It also adds a package dependency to the original package.
Generates barrel exports for symbols that are imported from other packages and updates those to barrel-imports.
Changes the path from which a symbol is imported.
Fixes duplicate imports by combining them into single import statements. This PR was made with it: https://github.com/glideapps/glide/pull/26508
for pkg in `cat ~/Work/glide/.topological-packages` ; do echo $pkg ; if ! bun run src/index.ts dedup-imports ~/Work/glide/packages/$pkg/src ; then break ; fi ; done && bun run src/index.ts dedup-imports ~/Work/glide/functions/src ~/Work/glide/app/src
This converts imports so that they're compatible with the
option. This PR was made with it:
rm -f /tmp/paths && for pkg in `cat ~/Work/glide/.topological-packages` ; do echo ~/Work/glide/packages/$pkg/src >> /tmp/paths ; done && echo ~/Work/glide/functions/src >> /tmp/paths && echo ~/Work/glide/app/src >> /tmp/paths && bun run src/index.ts resolve-imports ~/Work/glide/packages `cat /tmp/paths`
for pkg in `cat ~/Work/glide/.topological-packages` ; do echo $pkg ; if ! bun run src/index.ts remove-re-exports ~/Work/glide/packages/$pkg/src ; then break ; fi ; done && bun run src/index.ts remove-re-exports ~/Work/glide/functions/src ~/Work/glide/app/src