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$ appland login
logging into

login: username

logged in.

$ appland stats tmp/appmap/minitest
11655 calls, top 20 methods
  Digest::Instance#digest: 3864 (40 distinct)
  IO#write: 1926 (697 distinct)
  Logger#add: 1846 (249 distinct)
  IO#read: 1558 (7 distinct)
  IO#close: 625 (1 distinct)
  SessionsHelper#current_user: 404 (1 distinct)
  UsersHelper#gravatar_for: 231 (172 distinct)
  SessionsHelper#current_user?: 194 (133 distinct)
  JSON::Ext::Generator::State#generate: 188 (87 distinct)
  OpenSSL::Cipher#final: 136 (1 distinct)
  JSON::Ext::Parser#parse: 122 (1 distinct)
  OpenSSL::Cipher#encrypt: 92 (1 distinct)
  SessionsHelper#logged_in?: 82 (1 distinct)
  User.digest: 58 (25 distinct)
  OpenSSL::Cipher#decrypt: 44 (1 distinct)
  User#feed: 43 (1 distinct)
  ApplicationHelper#full_title: 34 (15 distinct)
  User.new_token: 26 (1 distinct)
  SessionsHelper#log_in: 22 (22 distinct)
  SessionsController#create: 21 (1 distinct
$ appland upload tmp/appmap/minitest/
 100% |████████████████████████████████████████|  [3s:0s]

Success! rails_sample_app_6th_ed has been updated with 67 scenarios.

Running in CI/CD

Configure your CI/CD tool to provide the following environment variables at runtime. By providing these environment variables, appland can authenticate without any persistent configuration.

  • APPLAND_API_KEY: Generate a new API key from your account page to populate this value.
  • APPLAND_URL: Typically this will be set to



Authentication and API key management.

appland login This will prompt you for a login and password. Your password will not be echoed.

appland logout Logs the current user out of AppLand and revokes the API key in use.


AppLand has the ability to support a number of configuration contexts. In most cases, you won't need additional contexts. Upon first run, a default context is created, pointing to Subcommands which issue API calls to an AppLand service (such as login and upload) will use this context for configuration options and authentication.

context add [name] [url] Create a new context.

context current Display the current context.

context list Show all available contexts.

context use [name] Select a context as the current context. This is set to a default context upon first run.


Create a mapset of scenarios by uploading AppMap files.

upload [files, dirs] Uploads a list of AppMap files or directories to AppLand.


Show some statistics about events in scenarios read from AppMap files.

stats [files, dirs]

Displaying statistics

The stats subcommand will show some simple statistics about events in a collection of AppMaps:

$ appland stats --help
Show statistics for AppMaps

  appland stats [flags]

  -f, --files       show statistics for each file
  -h, --help        help for stats
  -j, --json        format results as JSON
  -l, --limit int   limit the number of methods displayed (default 20)
  -p, --params      show distinct parameters for each method
  -v, --verbose     be verbose while processing

The stats subcommand is also useful for refining the recordings in AppMaps.

Some examples

With defaults

Show the top 20 methods. For each method, the total number of call events are shown, as well as the number of distinct calls (i.e. with different parameters).

$ appland stats Application_page_with_a_mapset_restores_the_tab_from_location_hash.appmap.json
229 calls, top 20 methods
  JSON::Ext::Parser#parse: 38 (1 distinct)
  Net::HTTP#request: 32 (8 distinct)
  JSON::Ext::Generator::State#generate: 30 (13 distinct)
  ClassMap::CodeObjectName.parse: 7 (7 distinct)
  Mapset::Show#web_resources: 7 (1 distinct)
  Mapset::Show#data_model: 6 (1 distinct)
  OpenSSL::Cipher#final: 6 (1 distinct)
  WebResources.dehydrate: 5 (2 distinct)
  Configuration#attributes: 4 (1 distinct)
  DataModel.dehydrate: 4 (1 distinct)
  Mapset::Show#recording_method_counts: 4 (1 distinct)
  Search#filter: 4 (2 distinct)
  App::Show#mapsets: 3 (1 distinct)
  Configuration#attributes=: 3 (1 distinct)
  Configuration.find: 3 (3 distinct)
  KeyDataStats.count: 3 (3 distinct)
  OpenSSL::Cipher#decrypt: 3 (1 distinct)
  OpenSSL::Cipher#encrypt: 3 (1 distinct) 3 (3 distinct)
  User.find_by_id!: 3 (1 distinct)

Statistics for individual files

With --files, show statistics for individual files. Adding --params will include the distinct parameters for each method.

$ appland stats --files --params Application_page_with_a_mapset_restores_the_tab_from_location_hash.appmap.json
Application_page_with_a_mapset_restores_the_tab_from_location_hash.appmap.json: 229 calls, top 20 methods
  JSON::Ext::Parser#parse: 38 (1 distinct)
   no parameters
  Net::HTTP#request: 32 (8 distinct)
   has parameters
    Net::HTTP::Post[POST /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/elements],<nil>,<nil>
    Net::HTTP::Post[POST /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/execute/sync],<nil>
    Net::HTTP::Post[POST /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/execute/sync],<nil>,<nil>
    Net::HTTP::Get[GET /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/element/95946e42-80a6-46a3-ac3b-e3a8c20,<nil>
    Net::HTTP::Get[GET /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/element/95946e42-80a6-46a3-ac3b-e3a8c20,<nil>,<nil>
    Net::HTTP::Post[POST /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/url],<nil>
    Net::HTTP::Post[POST /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/url],<nil>,<nil>
    Net::HTTP::Post[POST /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/elements],<nil>
  JSON::Ext::Generator::State#generate: 30 (13 distinct)
   has parameters
    [{"name"=>"controllers", "type"=>"package", "children"=>[{"name"=>"SessionController", "type"=>"clas
    {"HTTP server requests"=>1, "SQL queries"=>1, "Messages"=>1}
    {:using=>"css selector", :value=>""}
    {:script=>"return ((function(){function d(t,e,n){function r(t){var e=x(t);if(0<e.height&&0<e.width)r
    {:using=>"css selector", :value=>".tab-content .show"}
    {"session_id"=>"d142aeeff345540b576465126fb2d26c", "user_id"=>1, "configuration"=>"{}", "flash"=>{"d
    {"tables"=>["users"], "joins"=>[]}
    {"resource_map"=>{"sessions"=>[{"path"=>"/sessions/new", "methods"=>{"POST"=>[{"event_id"=>1, "scena
    {"packages"=>["HTTP", "SQL"], "class_package"=>{"POST /sessions/new"=>"HTTP", "SQL"=>"SQL"}, "packag
    [{"owner_type"=>"mapset", "owner_id"=>1, "recording_method"=>"rspec", "num_scenarios"=>1}]

JSON output

The output can also be formatted as JSON. The elements of the array are sorted by the number of calls.

$ appland stats --json --files --params Application_page_with_a_mapset_restores_the_tab_from_location_hash.appmap.json
Application_page_with_a_mapset_restores_the_tab_from_location_hash.appmap.json: [
    "method": "JSON::Ext::Parser#parse",
    "calls": 38,
    "num_params": 0,
    "param_counts": {
      "": 38
    "method": "Net::HTTP#request",
    "calls": 32,
    "num_params": 2,
    "param_counts": {
      "Net::HTTP::Get[GET /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/element/95946e42-80a6-46a3-ac3b-e3a8c20,\u003cnil\u003e": 1,
      "Net::HTTP::Get[GET /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/element/95946e42-80a6-46a3-ac3b-e3a8c20,\u003cnil\u003e,\u003cnil\u003e": 1,
      "Net::HTTP::Post[POST /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/elements],\u003cnil\u003e": 11,
      "Net::HTTP::Post[POST /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/elements],\u003cnil\u003e,\u003cnil\u003e": 11,
      "Net::HTTP::Post[POST /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/execute/sync],\u003cnil\u003e": 3,
      "Net::HTTP::Post[POST /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/execute/sync],\u003cnil\u003e,\u003cnil\u003e": 3,
      "Net::HTTP::Post[POST /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/url],\u003cnil\u003e": 1,
      "Net::HTTP::Post[POST /session/c300eeef64aa2b0dcd284b14cfeca788/url],\u003cnil\u003e,\u003cnil\u003e": 1
    "method": "JSON::Ext::Generator::State#generate",
    "calls": 30,
    "num_params": 1,
    "param_counts": {
      "[{\"name\"=\u003e\"controllers\", \"type\"=\u003e\"package\", \"children\"=\u003e[{\"name\"=\u003e\"SessionController\", \"type\"=\u003e\"clas": 2,
      "[{\"owner_type\"=\u003e\"mapset\", \"owner_id\"=\u003e1, \"recording_method\"=\u003e\"rspec\", \"num_scenarios\"=\u003e1}]": 1,
      "{\"HTTP server requests\"=\u003e1, \"SQL queries\"=\u003e1, \"Messages\"=\u003e1}": 1,
      "{\"element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf\"=\u003e\"95946e42-80a6-46a3-ac3b-e3a8c2058a82\"}": 3,
      "{\"package\"=\u003e2, \"class\"=\u003e2, \"function\"=\u003e3}": 1,
      "{\"packages\"=\u003e[\"HTTP\", \"SQL\"], \"class_package\"=\u003e{\"POST /sessions/new\"=\u003e\"HTTP\", \"SQL\"=\u003e\"SQL\"}, \"packag": 1,
      "{\"resource_map\"=\u003e{\"sessions\"=\u003e[{\"path\"=\u003e\"/sessions/new\", \"methods\"=\u003e{\"POST\"=\u003e[{\"event_id\"=\u003e1, \"scena": 1,
      "{\"session_id\"=\u003e\"d142aeeff345540b576465126fb2d26c\", \"user_id\"=\u003e1, \"configuration\"=\u003e\"{}\", \"flash\"=\u003e{\"d": 3,
      "{\"tables\"=\u003e[\"users\"], \"joins\"=\u003e[]}": 2,
      "{:script=\u003e\"return ((function(){function d(t,e,n){function r(t){var e=x(t);if(0\u003ce.height\u0026\u00260\u003ce.width)r": 3,
      "{:url=\u003e\"\"}": 1,


Build Status


./bin/build will build a binary to the dist directory. To install, copy the binary to /usr/local/bin.


go test -v ./... will run all tests. API calls are mocked and do not require a live AppLand service.


Releases are automatically published upon creation of a new tag. Example:

$ git tag -a $(cat VERSION) -m "Version $(cat VERSION)"
$ git push origin "$(cat VERSION)"