Explore the vast world of computational knowledge available for free via Wolfram’s v2 API.
To install this gem:
gem install wolfram
You’ll need a Wolfram Appid (api key) by creating an account here and then clicking on the ‘Get an APPID’ button.
Once you have your own appid, set it in your shell, preferably in your ~/.bashrc:
If you want to explicitly set your appid in a script:
Wolfram.appid = "YOURKEY"
Query away on the commandline!
# Calculate distance and travel time between places $ wolfram from boston to new york # Solve an equation $ wolfram x^3 - 4x^2 + 6x - 24 = 0 # Find words ending with able $ wolfram words ending with able
For many more examples, see here.
Ian White is the original author of this gem.
bdigital for a bug fix
More tests!
A better inspect
Handle more api options including format