p2o2 is a compact and portable 3D pose-graph optimization library.
- Lie Algebra Optimization
- Customizable Error Functions
- Relative 6DoF Pose (odometry, scan matching)
- 3D Position (GNSS)
- Altitude (for IMU, coming soon)
Original p2o is still available and can be accessed in 'p2o_v1' tag.
p2o v2 is dependent on Eigen3 and C++14.
./sample_run_p2o <p2ofile>
- max no. of iterations (-m) default: 300
- min no. of iterations (-n) default: 50
- robust threshold (-r) default: 0.01
cmake -Bbuild .
cmake --build build
./build/sample_run_p2o samples/data/cit_tsudanuma2020/CIT_2020_odom_gnss.p2o
cd samples/data/cit_tsudanuma2020/ && gnuplot CIT_2020_odom_gnss.plt #trajectories will be saved in png files