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Setting up rainbot
Support Server: https://discord.gg/eXrDpGS
Manage Server/Administrator is required for initial setup
When the bot is in the server, you'd need to set it up first. Below are the commands that should be done in order to setup the bot correctly:
These are levels assigned to roles which can allow/deny them to use certain commands.
This is a general overview of which commands required which permission level:
0 - General commands (mylevel, ping)
5 - Bypass auto moderation
6 - Mod commands (mute, unmute, warn, lockdown) and view giveaway stats
7 - More mod commands (kick, ban)
8 - Setup giveaways
10 - Setup commands (setlog, setpermlevel...)
Server administrators are always on level 15.
Manage Server permissions are always on level 10.
The first usage of this command has to be done by users with the Manage Server/Administrator permission as the permission level required for this command is 10.
!!setpermlevel <perm_level> <role>
The perm_level
argument has to be an integer greater than 0.
The role
argument can contain a role name, role ID, or role mention.
By default, all users are on 0.
5 - VIPs (from 5 onwards, users bypass auto moderation)
6 - Trainee Moderators (6 vs 7, unable to kick/ban users)
7 - Temporary moderators (7 vs 8, unable to add/remove filters)
8 - Moderators (8 vs 10, unable to use most setup commands)
10 - Admins without server permission (There are no differences between 10 and 15)
15 - Administrators (server permission) (default, cannot be changed)
Moderators cannot take any mod action against users of equal or higher permission level.
rainbot has a customisable prefix.
Permission level required: 10
!!setprefix <new prefix>
In the rest of the documentation, the prefix is !!
, replace it with your custom prefix.
rainbot logs all moderation activity, and auto moderations.
Permission level required: 10
Different types of logs: message_delete
, message_edit
, member_join
, member_remove
, member_mute
, member_unmute
, vc_state_change
!!setlog <log_name> <channel>
The log_name
argument has to be one of the valid types of logs listed above.
The channel
argument can contain a channel name, channel ID, or channel mention.
rainbot has various auto moderation methods, specifically, word filters, anti discord invites, limit of @user mentions/message, spam detection (x messages/5 seconds).
Permission level required: 10
!!setdetection <type> <value>
Type has to be either block_invite
, mention_limit
, spam_detection
or repetitive_message
To enable/disable block_invite
, do !!setdetection block_invite true
or !setdetection block_invite false
To set a maximum of 10 mentions (unique, non-bot), do !!setdetection mention_limit 10
To set a limit of 10 messages per 5 seconds, do !!setdetection spam_detection 10
To set a limit of 35 identical messages per 60 seconds, do !!setdetection repetitive_message 35
Permission level required: 7
!!filter add <word>
!!filter remove <word>
!!filter list
Permission level required: 6
!!warn add <user> <reason>
!!warn list <user>
!!warn remove <index>
Permission level required: 10
When automoderation is activated, warnings are applied to users who flout the settings.
The bot can be setup to (for example) kick users on their 3rd warning.
!!setwarnpunishment 3 kick
It is highly encouraged to add a final "ban" condition.
!!setwarnpunishment <limit> [punishment=kick/ban/none]
When rainbot logs anything, it uses UTC time. If you wish for the time to be UTC+5
for example, you'd have to set the time offset to 5.
Permission level required: 10
!setoffset <new time offset>
The new time offset
argument has to be an integer greater than -12 and lower than 14.
Permission level required: 6
rainbot would reply with a JSON configuration of your current configuration which you can import using !!importjson <url>
Permission level required: 10
!!setgiveaway <emoji> <channel> [role=@everyone, @here, none]
!!giveaway create <endtime> <winners> <description>
[Permission level: 8]
!!giveaway edit
[Permission level: 8]
!!giveaway reroll
[Permission level: 8]
!!giveaway stats
[Permission level: 6]