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3.1 DirectScrolledWindowFrame

Fireclaw edited this page Dec 29, 2020 · 1 revision

Movable frame with header bar to drag it around and close button. Other than that it behaves like a normal DirectScrolledFrame.


from DirectGuiExtension.DirectScrolledWindowFrame import DirectScrolledWindowFrame

dragFrame = DirectScrolledWindowFrame()


dragAreaHeight: float
Height of the area on top of the frame which is used for dragging

resortOnDrag: Boolean
If set to True, the frame will be sorted to the top of the Z-Order once it's dragged. Otherwise it'll stay at it's current sort value

showClose: Boolean
If set to True, the close (x) button will be shown on the right side of the drag area

closeButtonPosition: string
The position of the close button. This can either be "Left" or "Right"

closeButtonScale: float
Scale of the close button

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