Experiment control algorithm using acrobot mechanism Acrobot is double pendulum mechanism having 1 passive and 1 active joint
Set up torque control environment in gazebo using ros_control Now, Just set torque = sin(i) Later, going to apply control algorithm here
- Download rrbot tutorial in gazebo
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone https://github.com/ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_demos.git
cd ..
Download acrobot_control in this repository at ~/catkin_ws/src/
Authorize scripts/acrobot_control.py
chmod +x acrobot_contro.py
- Launch rrbot_gazebo
roslaunch rrbot_gazebo rrbot_world.launch
- Launch acrobot_control
roslaunch acrobot_control acrobot_control.launch
- Explain above structure in detail
- Make above two launch files into one launch file for simplicity
- Add LQR algorithm