A standalone CLI application, serving Swagger UIs via a HTTP server.
You can install it globally:
npm install -g swagger-ui-cli
Or for your project, from where your package.json
file is stored:
npm install --save-dev swagger-ui-cli
$ swagger-ui --help
A standalone CLI application, serving Swagger UIs via a HTTP server.
$ swagger-ui [options] <file>
--allow-scripts Allow the execution of scripts. Default: (false)
--do-not-open Do not open local URL after server has been started. Default: (false)
--no-json Do not provide JSON data as download. Default: (false)
--no-toml Do not provide TOML data as download. Default: (false)
--no-yaml Do not provide YAML data as download. Default: (false)
--port, -p The custom TCP port. Default: 8080
<file> The source document as local file path or URL. Supports JSON, YAML and TOML.
Starts a new server instance on port 8080 for a local file
$ swagger-ui swaggerFile.yaml
Run a Node.js script (also from a remote host), which builds the document
$ swagger-ui buildDoc.js --allow-scripts
Using port 8181 and load document from HTTP server without providing TOML as download
$ swagger-ui https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/superset/1.4.0rc2/docs/src/resources/openapi.json --no-toml --port=8181
Do not open browser, after server has been started and use "foo" as username and "bar" as password
$ swagger-ui https://example.com/my-api.toml --do-not-open --username=foo --password=bar
If you have a complex logic to build an OpenAPI document, maybe it is separated into multiply sources and parts, you can execute JavaScript code, which runs in the same Node.js environment as the application.
In that case, you have to start the application with --allow-scripts
// use any Node.js you want
const fs = require("fs");
// you are also able to access 3rd party modules
// if a 'node_modules' folder is available
const axios = require("axios");
// make use of local Node modules
// which exports functions that loads
// parts of the document, e.g.
const myModule = require("/path/to/my/module.js");
const info = await fs.promises.readFile(
// maybe load data from remote sources
const paths = (await axios.get("https://strapi.example.com/paths")).data;
const components = await myModule.loadComponents();
// put all parts together ...
const doc = {
openapi: "3.0.0",
servers: [
url: "http://petstore.swagger.io/api",
// ... and return the document
return doc;
You can download documents via browser or HTTP client directly. Examples: