- This project is a development of a small set of Spring Boot and VanillaJS based Microservice project that implement the must of the EC6 Javascript features, Microservices design patterns, and coding best practices.
- The project follows CloudNative recommendations and The twelve-factor app methodology for building software-as-a-service apps to show how μServices should be developed and deployed.
- This project is going to be developed as stages, and all such stage steps are documented under the project Notes wiki
This Application show how to build and secure a real-world application, Using VanillaJS without any javascript framework using ES6 features :
- Single page application SPA Router from scratch
- Event binding and handlers
- Web component (template,shadow dom,custom element)
- Use Javascript Proxy and Promises
- Use async and wait to fetch data
- Higher oder functions and closer
- Use of tagged template ,destruction,spread operator.
- Use some Javascript Pattern (Mixin,observable...)
- Use Redux for the state management
- Use Css grid and flexbox to construct the layout
- Create Note (Both Todos and Text)
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- Search Functionality