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Trying it out

jtorrente edited this page May 20, 2013 · 4 revisions

This page provides instructions as to how to download and try-out the current development

Trying out eAdventure 2.0

Currently there is very little to test, but you can see the use of animations, basic conversations, screen transitions and game elements in general. Support for video, cutscenes and other elements is still very experimental.

You should start by visiting our live HTML5 demos at:

If you want to download and try out the code on your own system, follow the next instructions:

  1. Download the source code use git to make a clone of the repository. To do so, open your favourite git client, and introduce the next command: git clone

  2. Use maven to build Eclipse projects in the root of the download you will find a file named pom.xml. Use maven with the target eclipse:eclipse to build the eclipse projects. (From within Eclipse, you can right-click the pom.xml file, and select the Run as -> Maven Build ... option. Write eclipse:eclipse in the goal field and click Run. This command will create several Eclipse projects. You need to be running version maven 3.0.3 or newer.)

  3. Import all the Eclipse projects: In Eclipse, go to File -> Import... -> Existing Projects into Workspace. There, browse to the same directory where you executed mvn eclipse:eclipse en select core folder (i.e. {workspace}/eadventure/core). A list of Eclipse projects will appear then. You can import all of them.

NOTE: To install Maven, please visit the official website of the project at

Use the README.txt file in the root eadventure folder for more help

Only if there are problems with tests: Consider running mvn with the Skip tests option in Eclipse. -Dmaven.test.skip=true in the command line.

What to test

  • Try the desktop examples by running the class: core/engine-gdx/src/main/java/ead/engine/core/gdx/

Other requirements

Building the full project requires an installation of the Android SDK (for Android native-app APK generation) and Google's GWT (for HTML5 generation).

  • To try the Android implementation you should install the Android google plugins and SDKs. eAdventure is usually built against a 2.2 target. Follow the instructions at the Android developer website.
  • To try the playn/GWT version that runs using HTML5, you need the Google plugin along with the Google Web Toolkit and AppEngine SDKs.
  • MacOS X Lion or newer will not build. To get it to build remove launch4j plugins in editor-core and engine-desktop pom.xml files.