Tiled is a simpliest map editor
This is the module for Cerberus-X for using exported maps from Tiled
This module requires Cerberus-X modules (mojo and brl)
Clone this repo in your directory Cerberus-X modules_ext
git clone https://github.com/dzencot/tiled-cerberus-x.git ${CERBERUSDIR}/modules_ext/tiled
- Create the map in Tiled Editor
- Export map to json
Local tiled = new Tiled()
Method ParseJSON(dataLevel:string)
- json-file content
Method GetWidthMap:Int():Int
Method GetHeightMap:Int()
Method GetIdTile(x:Int, y:Int, nameLayer:String):Int
- x-coordinatey:Int
- y-coordinatenameLayer:String
- layer
Method GetWidthTile:Int():Int
Method GetHeightTile:Int():Int
Method GetCountLayers:Int():Int
Method GetNameLayer:String(index:Int):String
Method SetIdTile:Void(x:Int, y:Int, nameLayer:String, idTile:Int)
Method RenderTile:Void(idTile:Int, coorX:Int, coorY:Int)
Import tiled
Import mojo
Class Level Extends Tiled
Field speed:Int = 5
Method LoadLevel:Void(name:String, _cWidth:Int, _cHeight:Int)
Local dataLevel:String = LoadString(name)
Self.cWidth = _cWidth
Self.cHeight = _cHeight
Self.mapWidthPx = Self.GetWidthMap() * Self.GetWidthTile()
Self.mapHeightPx = Self.GetHeightMap() * Self.GetHeightTile()
End Method
Method Render:Void()
For Local y:Int = Self.minimumTileYOnMap Until Self.maximumTileYOnMap
For Local x:Int = Self.minimumTileXOnMap Until Self.maximumTileXOnMap
Local idTile:Int = Self.GetIdTile(x, y, "background")
Local drawCoorX:Int = x * Self.GetWidthTile()
Local drawCoorY:Int = y * Self.GetHeightTile()
Self.RenderTile(idTile, drawCoorX, drawCoorY)
End Method
Method Update:Void()
If KeyDown(KEY_LEFT)
If Self.coorXCamera > 0
Self.coorXCamera -= Self.speed
If Self.coorXCamera < 0 Self.coorXCamera = 0
End If
Else If KeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)
If Self.coorXCamera < Self.mapWidthPx
Self.coorXCamera += Self.speed
If Self.coorXCamera > Self.mapWidthPx Self.coorXCamera = Self.mapWidthPx
End If
Else If KeyDown(KEY_UP)
If Self.coorYCamera > 0
Self.coorYCamera -= Self.speed
If Self.coorYCamera < 0 Self.coorYCamera = 0
End If
Else If KeyDown(KEY_DOWN)
If Self.coorYCamera < Self.mapHeightPx
Self.coorYCamera += Self.speed
If Self.coorYCamera > Self.mapHeightPx Self.coorYCamera = Self.mapHeightPx
End If
End If
End Method
Method SetCamera:Void()
Self.coorXCamera = 0;
Self.coorYCamera = 0;
End Method
Method SetWindowTiles:Void()
Local tileCoorX:Int = Self.coorXCamera / Self.GetWidthTile()
Local tileCoorY:Int = Self.coorYCamera / Self.GetHeightTile()
Self.minimumTileXOnMap = Max(0, tileCoorX - 1)
Self.maximumTileXOnMap = Min(Self.GetWidthMap(), tileCoorX + (Self.cWidth / Self.GetWidthTile()) + 1)
Self.minimumTileYOnMap = Max(0, tileCoorY - 1)
Self.maximumTileYOnMap = Min(Self.GetHeightMap(), tileCoorY + (Self.cHeight / Self.GetHeightTile()) + 1)
End Method
Field coorXCamera:Int
Field coorYCamera:Int
Field minimumTileXOnMap:Int
Field maximumTileXOnMap:Int
Field minimumTileYOnMap:Int
Field maximumTileYOnMap:Int
Field mapWidthPx:Int
Field mapHeightPx:Int
Field cWidth:Int
Field cHeight:Int
End Class