- FHEM basic (based on DEBIAN 8 / Jessie)
- Homebridge (for Apple / Siri - based on DEBIAN 8 / Jessie)
- HA-Bridge (for Alexa etc. - based on DEBIAN 8 / Jessie)
- SmartVisu (NGINX Web Server, PHP5 - based on DEBIAN 8 / Jessie)
- mySQL-Logging (based on mysql57 Docker image)
- reverse proxy (based on Apache2 - based on DEBIAN 8 / Jessie)
- Docker
- Docker-Compose
git clone https://github.com/donvitum/fhem-docker.git
cd fhem-docker
docker-compose up --build -d
- FHEM-WEB: 8083 (8084 and 8085 have been deleted)
- mySQL-User: fhemuser
- mySQL-Password: 2jRHnEi3WuNSQAcX7
- Homekit-Pairing-Code: 012-34-567
- HA-Bridge, SmartVisu, TabletUI are default installations - no customization
Since each container has a volume mounted from the filesystem, updates are persistent and backups are a bit easier - but also bigger...
- Integrate Let's Encrypt for the reverse proxy
- Integrate MQTT, Influx and Grafana
Suggestion etc. on how to do this are welcome!
Since we work in a Docker environment it would be helpful to have something to manage the einvironment with a graphical interface. I used "Portainer" and find it very helpful:
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --restart always --name portainer -v portainer_data:/data -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock portainer/portainer
(all in one line!)