UPDATE: DawgyIMG V2 is now out! This version is currently in BETA and should not be used in production until bugs (validation, etc.) are ironed out completely.
DawgyIMG has gone from being closed source to fully open source. Also, DawgyIMG is under the GPL GNU (v3) license (this means that you're free to modify, redistribute and create derivatives of this software so long as you are not doing so for profit).
Feel free to buy me a cup of joe (https://dawgy.pw/donate) if you like my work.
Support can be obtained by opening a request, or sending an email to [email protected]
- a server running PHP 7 or newer
- unzip (duh!)
Step 1 - download the repository, or clone it.
cd ~
wget https://github.com/doghouch/dawgyimg/archive/v2.zip
Step 2 - extract it!
unzip v2.zip
Step 3 - moving the files to a web directory (/var/www/html
for most Apache systems, and /usr/share/nginx/html
for NGINX).
cd dawgyimg-2
mv * /your/web/directory
Step 4 - set permissions for /i (where images are stored).
chmod 755 /your/web/directory/i/
The script should be installed and working. Modify config.php to your needs, and the background image is replaceable by changing Happy uploading!background.png
in the assets folder.
@trewq on LET (optimization)
@Riz on LET (sanitation issues)