Please complete and return this technical test before attending your interview at Doccla. This isn't something we would like you to spend a long time on - we recommend no more than 3 hours. You can give us the results in any way that makes sense to you, but please do not publish them publicly.
Your response to this technical assessment will be used to start a technical discussion at your interview. We're more interested in how you approach the problem and implement your solution than in you finding a “correct” answer to the question.
Deploying a containerised workload using immutable infrastructure.
We have provided a small React app that for the purposes of this test is a representation of a ‘production ready containerised app’. It’s just a templated react app that makes a simple call to an external publicly available API and presents some of the data retrieved to a page.
We don’t want you to spend a long time working on this, but would like to have a simple solution that we can use as the basis of a technical discussion with you at interview. We value simplicity in readability and maintainability in a codebase, so consider this during implementation.
An Infrastructure as Code Deployment
We would like you to build the docker image (instructions below).
We would like you to create a set of infrastructure to support it in either AWS or GCP using an infrastructure as code approach. You can use whichever service you feel appropriate to host it, though in particular we’re looking at:
- How you approach infrastructure as code
- How you approach testing and validation of your solution and/or infrastructure
- How you set up cloud infrastructure - where you may incorporate some of: networking; security; IAM; containerised workloads
You can use any technical solution you feel is appropriate. Provide as much documentation as is required to allow us to understand any assumptions or constraints you’ve placed, and to stand up your solution.
Please focus on a readable and maintainable solution that is easy to understand by an audience of your peers.
Only if you have time, consider implementing one or more of these more “advanced” features:
- A load balancing solution
- Considerations for environment handling (e.g. dev/prod)
- Securing consumer access (e.g. https, egress control)
If you have any questions then please don’t hesitate in reaching out to the talent team at Doccla who can forward your questions to the team and get back to you ASAP
Good luck!
Talent Team @ Doccla 🙂
A simple create-react-app
front end, with an external call to
to retrieve some GP Practices in London. The generated docker image is used as the basis for a technical test for platform team candidates.
Standard npm
and docker
commands will do the trick - nothing complex:
Command | Outcome |
npm start |
Start the code locally in debug build |
npm run build |
If you want to create a production build (not necessary for this test) |
docker build -t doccla:platform-test . |
Build the docker container |
docker run -d -p 8080:3000 doccla:platform-test |
Run the container, surfacing on http://localhost:8080/ |
Owner: @mhuxtable (matt [at] doccla [dot] com)
Though please contact anyone in the product/infrastructure team if you need anything.