Sheep and Sword is a 2D platformer, adventure game full of monsters that need to be killed. There are two versions of this game: one for PC and one for Android. It was written with C# and Unity and consists of five levels. The story is about a shepherd's son who just lost his father. All he has now is his sheep and the sword that in the past belonged to his grandfather. But it's not the end of the series of unfortunate events. One day somebody kidnaps the sheep and the young man needs to start the most dangerous journey in his life.
After launching the game, you should see main menu with five buttons. Clicking first button causes starting new game while second one lets you choose the specific level you are interested in. Third button is responsible for options - you can change the volume of main music, sound effects or dialogs. Fourth button leads to the About Section in which you can read about the plot of the game and get to know the names of game creators. Last button simply turns off the application.
While playing you'll see some UI elements. In the left upper corner there will be player's health bar which you must observe very often because you'll die if it drops to zero. If you are in fight there will be also current enemy's health bar in the right upper corner. What is more, at the bottom of the screen there will be some story dialogs and tutorial dialogs (in first level) which will help you in getting to know how to move, fight, etc.
Depending on the platform you use, to move, you have to use WSAD buttons, arrow buttons or built-in joystick. To jump, you have to use UP/W button or built-in JUMP button. To attack, press SPACE button or built-in ATTACK button. You can do it on the ground, in the air or while crouching. If you are in the game and press ESCAPE button or built-in PAUSE GAME button, whole movement will freeze and you'll see the pause menu. There you can change the volume, return to the main menu or exit the game.
As you already know there are a lot of opportunities in which you can die (being killed by a monster, falling down from the map, hard landing on the ground). Fortunately, there are also a lot of checkpoints in all of the levels so you can repeat just a part of it, not the whole one). If you die, you'll see gameover screen. There you can restart the game from the checkpoint or return to the main menu.
The project is considered as finished.
Special thanks for all amazing graphic assets to:
- rvros from - for main character of the game,
- Jesse M from - for Skeleton enemy,
- Elthen from - for Cyclop and Minotaur enemies,
- sanctumpixel from - for Demon Axe enemy,
- Szadi art from - for Worm and Man-Bird enemies,
- Kronovi from - for Rogue Knight enemy (first boss of the game),
- OcO from - for Black Smith enemy (second boss of the game),
- Quintino Pixels from - for Dark Mountain map,
- Trixie from - for Forest Green map,
- UilleagGodwin from - for Health Potion,
- Tiny Worlds from - for Thaleah Fat font,
- daneeklu from - for sheep character,
- Brackeys - for health bar design.
Special thanks for all sound effects and music to:
- artisticdude from - for attack and dying sounds,
- IgnasD from - for jumping sounds,
- yd from - for running sound,
- Aharabada from - for hurting sound,
- zeroisnotnull from - for checkpoint's crow sound,
- Partners In Rhyme from - for sliding sound,
- Ladislav Weyrostek - from - for climbing sound,
- Mike Koenig from - for cyclop's laser sound,
- Timothy from - for game-over's sound,
- Audio Hero from - for sheep sound,
- - for all generated dialogs,
- liljahmin from - for menu and intro music,
- prodbyfendyy from - for Forest Green scenes' music,
- AcidParadox from - for Dark Mountain scenes' music,
- dripchord from - for Dark boss stages' music,
- 40A from - for ending music.