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Session 6: User experience and User Flows

Juliette Cezzar edited this page Feb 16, 2019 · 20 revisions

Session 6: User experience and User Flows slides

*Objective: Assess and articulate good and bad design practices in terms of experience and accessibility *


  • What is user experience?

    • How the term has changed over time

    • User research, user testing, iteration

    • Anticipating and responding to user concerns

    • Why ego gets in the way of good UX

  • What are users?

    • Research on what users know

    • Which users you want to reach

    • Why edge cases matter

  • What is accessibility?

    • Mountain of resources on accessibility

    • Matters more and more each year

    • Accessible for the impaired = a better experience for non-impaired

  • How do you think about use x time?

    • testing, looking, trying, testing

Homework (due 9am Tuesday, February 19):

  • Bad UX

  • Watch the first five tutorials under "prototyping and collaboration" here:

  • Take a sequence that is part of (or related to) your startup studio project and mock up the flow using Invision or Figma. Don't spend too much time styling the elements (type, color, etc.) – instead think through the specific sequence or flow of content and action, and the location of elements.

If you have front-end coding skills, consider taking Framer for a test drive:

Reading, Watching, Listening:

More readings:

Other links: