Work-In-Progress! This project is currently not in a working state!
- PHP 5.3+
- mongoDb (sudo apt-get install mongodb)
- PHP mongo pecl extension (sudo pecl install mongo)
- Apache / mod_rewrite (sudo a2enmod rewrite)
Monitor / Server:
- set up a (virtual) host for you webserver, pointing at the htdocs folder
- allow .htaccess files (needed for dynamic rewrite rules)
- transfer the "client" directory to all systems in need of monitoring
- copy udjat.conf.dist to udjat.conf and change the url accordingly
- add a cronjob, 5 minute interval:
*/5 * * * * /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CLIENT_DIRECTORY/client/ 2>&1 >/dev/null
- (Version 1.0.0b1_r746)
- (for simple debugging during development)
- Janrain social login
- HTML template based on Redmine Issue Tracker
- Default theme based on Redmine Basecamp template