“a contest designed to showcase the actuarial skill set in developing novel risk engineering solutions, using publicly available data and featuring interactive elements”
More info: https://www.casact.org/article/casualty-actuarial-society-announces-2022-cas-hacktuary-challenge
Application can be viewed here.
For more information, please consult the Cover Note pdf above.
The Map section in the app requires an active internet connection as it pulls data from OSRM and/or Google.
For a better user experience, please provide a Google Maps API key in the upper section of the code.
A Google Maps API key will provide auto-complete feature and better search results.
The file lgb.fit.MODELv6.txt.7z needs to be decompressed into lgb.fit.MODELv6.txt.
This shiny application was built between April and August 2022.
While it is normal to have R packages being routinely updated, it appears that two updated packages are breaking some display parameters and icons.
The code has been fixed to accomodate for the new packages.
Old Name | New Name |
male | person |
female | person-dress |
car-crash | car-burst |
ambulance | truck-medical |
parking | square-parking |
info-circle | circle-info |
calendar-alt | calendar-days |
directions | diamond-turn-right |
map-signs | signs-post |
map-marked-alt | map-location-dot |
map-marker-alt | location-dot |
globe-americas | earth-americas |
coffee | mug-saucer |
tachometer-alt | gauge |
walking | person-walking |
atlas | book-atlas |
sync | arrows-rotate |
exchange-alt | right-left |
long-arrow-alt-right | right-long |
compress-alt | down-left-and-up-right-to-center |
random | shuffle |
redo | arrow-rotate-right |
- Added the following code in the CSS style section.
.value-box{ color:inherit; }