Calculator project
This project is a challenge to implement a calculator:
To run this project, first clone the project in your computer.
After, verify if your Flutter Version and dart version is:
- Flutter 3.0.1 • channel stable •
- Tools • Dart 2.17.1 • DevTools 2.12.2
And after the verification of the version, you can open your project and use the command to get packages, if you are using VS Code, when you open the project the IDE suggest to you to get the packages, and if it not happen you can go and open your terminal on VS Code and run this command:
flutter pub get
On android studio you need to do the same thing or using the IDE or running the command in your terminal.
This project have the following features:
- Sum
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Percentage
- Log
- Sin
- Cos
- Tan
- Square root
- PI
- e
- Ans
- Exp
- Pow
- Rad -> Degrees
- Degrees -> Rad
- Calc History (last one)
- The app can be used in portrait and landscape on your phone
- Buttons without functions: ( , ), lnv
About Stack and Packages
- Modular + BloC (Cubit) + Asuka