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Data models

Bruno L. Carli edited this page Nov 16, 2020 · 3 revisions

The main models is defined by a member document stored on Mongo database containing the attributes and values saved for a member. This document, as a dict is used to magically construct a duck typed Player object, which contains battle logic, such as calculate damage taken and checkout if the player is alive. The Player class has a composition relation with Skill class that constructs member skills, used internally on combat logics.

The class diagram below describes the relations of the models:


The member instances are stored in a mongo collection named by the discord server id under a key member and its value is the member id. This is the main filter for recovering members from mongo collection: {member: <member_id>}

The database structure shou looks like:

    <server_id>: [
            "member": "123456789",
            "objectId": "skdahsdkjasbdjvgadsvgdashdvasgdgdgas",
            "lv": 1,
            "max_hp": 200,
            "max_mp": 100,
            "current_hp": 200,
            "current_mp": 100,
            "strength": 10,
            "defense": 10,
            "magic": 10,
            "skillset": [],
            "learned_skills": [],
            "items": [],
            "skill_points": 0,
            "kills": 0,
            "deaths": 0,
            "resets": 0,
            "next_lv": 1,

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