I created a static react app as per the cartrawler requirements Main work went into keeping the table reusable
Things to note:
PropTypes entered to pass linter, normally - they'd be correct.
You can modify the carTable container headings array to change what is displayed in the table
The CustomTable component is reusable but unfinished, if you hover over the headers in the table they appear to be clickable/sortable - I didn't get this done in time so I left it there to show the attempt - but instead manually sorted the price from the container level from cheap -> expensive
the app is deployed here: https://master.d1khmn5cgxzqxt.amplifyapp.com/ via aws amplify and a ci/cd pipeline is setup As soon as I merge to github master branch AWS picks it up and deploys
Example of the api response vs the cleaned version is in exampleData - i'm sure this could been done better to be honest.
Improvements I would go for with more time
Make the site more reactive - the table doesn't reponse to changes in size that well - likewise page 2 is just ugly
Use next js - use SSR or so if the api response is always going to be static. This would remove the loading you can see at the start, also with next you get router for free no coding needed. Could use react-snapshot here too
Redux, Context or caching service to store data between route changes
Linter - should have done this earlier - git push failure when lint fails. Edit - This is done -> shoulda definitely done it earlier https://github.com/brian-geoghegan/react-demo/commit/89f5c68aef8ec31b87a77e3abc78d1bb3639a1f6#diff-eed1399c985840b07bf2835664456c3cd992f4c87587e26f83c2a62367ab1e48
unit testing - normally 90% min unit testing and use git pre-commit to fail git pushes
Error handler component - to display errors nicer
logger - need to keep an eye on logs
Legend and DisplayVehicle more generic - at the moment they're tightly coupled to the data
Create react app comes with babel and weppack behind the scenes, would look into that more as this cause issues when youi need to interact with them.
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