George Mason University
Major: Chemistry
Minor: Computational and Data Sciences
I have been writing code for around 20 years mostly for fun but have recently been able to apply it to a PhD program. Most of the repositories here are for fun or for previous university classes and does not begin to go through the scope of my knowledge. I have in depth knowledge of Python and C++, am comfortable with Fortran, Matlab, VBA, Shell scripting, SQL, and am familiar with many other languages.
On a day to day basis, when I'm waiting for my research to return results to analyze, I tend to help anyone I can learn how to program or make their code better.
Currently, again when research allows, I'm learning as much as I can about cryptography and cybersecurity because so much has changed since the last time I worked with any of it (at least 10 years ago).
- Agility Record Keeper - Beginnings of a desktop (and eventually mobile) application for tracking canine agility records.
- Simple Molecular Dynamics - Basic molecular dynamics program in C++ originally written for a class and is extended as time permits.
- Monopoly Statistics - Python program to find the odds of landing on every location on a standarad Monopoly board. Inspired by Hannah Fry's book The Indisputable Existence of Santa Clause.
- Note Taking - Simple command line note taking app written in Python.
- Alien Invasion - Game written in python for fun.
- Band Character - Extra credit assignment for Modeling & Simulation that takes data generated from a program and uses Matlab to define the bands of crystalline structures based upon the amount of character gained from the s, p, d, and f orbitals.
- CDS 130 - Some of the homeworks that were assigned while TA'ing during Spring 2016 with my answers.
- CPP Tests - Playing with random parts of C++ to figure out ways to do specific tasks.
- Data and Databases - Code written during this class. The project was created by me and uses Microsoft Access to import data from my biochemistry lab in order to keep track of all aspects of research.
- Excel Macros - Again, code written for my biochemistry lab and a class. The AMP Editor, AMP Finalizer, and Hydro Moment scripts will process the data gathered from mass spec and edit as needed and calculate multiple parameters. DOS Plot and Band Plot take data from a program and create the necessary graphs over multiple worksheets.
- Fortran Examples - Learning Fortran 95 examples from IntroductionToFTN95.pdf.
- Pong - Simulation of the game Pong written in Python with Pygame.
- Scientific and Data Visualizations - Code written during this class. Use of Matlab for altering images, low and high level ASCII file write, and VTK file creation for use with Paraview.
- Sorting Algorithms Python - Several sorting algorithms written in Python along with a file that allows for speed testing them all given whatever input the user chooses.