- macOS: Fixed all mouse and keyboard input hanging if Accessibility permissions are revoked while Cursr is running
- macOS: Fixed app becoming unresponsive and not relaunching on initial setup when Accessibility permissions are granted
- Fixed incorrect mouse positioning state causing transitions to stop working in some setups using multiple displays until the mouse state is reset
- Fixed transition issues (since 1.7.3-prerelease.2) when displays are (dis)connected after KVM connection is already established
- Fixed re-connect between devices not always working after device wakes up from sleep and some generic connection timing issues
- Linux: Fixed characters not printing when 'Source' keyboard layout is selected, for example when Ctrl+Alt+4 is used to print '$' in Linux
- Linux: Fixed Machine ID changing after restart on some devices
- Added connect/disconnect option in taskbar/tray context menu
- Licenses with deprecated Machine ID formats can now be still applied manually, but revoking and re-creation with new format is recommended in warning
- Show maintenance period end date in License settings