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Bedrock utilities for model creation.


yarn install @bedrockio/model


Peer dependencies must be installed:

yarn install mongoose
yarn install @bedrockio/yada


Bedrock models are defined as flat JSON files to allow static analysis and inspection. They can be further extended to allow more functionality. The most straightforward way to load models is to use loadModelDir that points to the directory where JSON definitions exist:

const { loadModelDir } = require('@bedrockio/model');
model.exports = loadModelDir('path/to/definitions/');

Models that need to be extended can use the createSchema method with the definition and add to the schema as needed:

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const definition = require('./definitions/user.json');

const schema = createSchema(definition);

schema.virtual('name').get(function () {
  return [this.firstName, this.lastName].join(' ');

module.exports = mongoose.model('User', schema);

They can then be loaded individually alongside other models:

const { loadModelDir } = require('@bedrockio/model');
model.exports = {
  User: require('./user'),


The attributes field of model definitions can be considered equivalent to Mongoose, but defined in JSON with extended features:

  "attributes": {
    // Shortcut for the syntax below.
    "name1": "String",
    // Defines further parameters on the type.
    "name2": {
      "type": "String",
      "trim": true,
    "email": {
      "type": "String",
      // Validation shortcuts
      "validate": "email",
      // Access control
      "readAccess": ["admin"],
      "writeAccess": ["admin"],
    "tags": [
        "type": "String"
    // Arrays of mixed type
    "mixed": [
        "type": "Mixed"
    // Extended tuple syntax
    "location": ["Number", "Number"]


Schema Extensions

This module provides a number of extensions to assist schema creation outside the scope of Mongoose.


Objects are easily defined with their attributes directly on the field:

  "profile": {
    "firstName": "String",
    "lastName": "String",

However it is common to need to add an option like required to an object schema. In Mongoose this is technically written as:

  "profile": {
    "type": {
      "firstName": "String",
      "lastName": "String",
    "required": true

However in complex cases this can be obtuse and difficult to remember. A more explicit syntax is allowed here:

  "profile": {
    "type": "Object",
    "attributes": {
      "firstName": "String",
      "lastName": "String",
    "required": true

The type Object and attributes is a signal to create the correct schema for the above type. This can also be similarly used for Array for an array of objects:

  "profiles": {
    "type": "Array",
    "attributes": {
      "firstName": "String",
      "lastName": "String",
    "writeAccess": "none"

In the above example the writeAccess applies to the array itself, not individual fields. Note that for an array of primitives the correct syntax is:

  "tokens": {
    "type": ["String"],
    "writeAccess": "none"


One common need is to define multiple fields with the same options. A custom type Scope helps make this possible:

  "$private": {
    "type": "Scope",
    "readAccess": "none",
    "writeAccess": "none",
    "attributes": {
      "firstName": "String",
      "lastName": "String",

This syntax expands into the following:

  "firstName": {
    "type": "String",
    "readAccess": "none",
    "writeAccess": "none",
  "lastName": {
    "type": "String",
    "readAccess": "none",
    "writeAccess": "none",

Note that the name $private is arbitrary. The $ helps distinguish it from real fields, but it can be anything as the property is removed.


Array fields that have more than one element are considered a "tuple". They will enforce an exact length and specific type for each element.

  "location": ["Number", "Number"],

This will map to the following:

  "location": {
    "type": ["Mixed"],
    "validator": // ...

Where validator is a special validator that enforces both the exact array length and content types.

Note that Mongoose does not provide a way to enforce array elements of specific mixed types, requiring the Mixed type instead.

Array Extensions

A common need is to validate the length of an array or make it required by enforcing a minimum length of 1. However this does not exist in Mongoose:

  "tokens": {
    "type": ["String"],
    "required": true

The above syntax will not do anything as the default for arrays is always [] so the field will always exist. It also suffers from being ambiguous (is the array required or the elements inside?). An extension is provided here for explicit handling of this case:

  "tokens": {
    "type": ["String"],
    "minLength": 1,
    "maxLength": 2

A custom validator will be created to enforce the array length, bringing parity with minLength and maxLength on strings.


The type field is special:

  "location": {
    "type": "String",
    "coordinates": ["Number"],

Given the above schema, let's say you want to add a default. The appropriate schema would be:

  "location": {
    "type": {
      "type": "String",
      "coordinates": ["Number"],
    "default": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [0, 0],

However this is not a valid definition in Mongoose, which instead sees type and default as individual fields. A type definition and object schema unfortunately cannot be disambiguated in this case. Syntax extentsions provides an escape hatch here:

  "location": {
    "type": "Object",
    "attributes": {
      "type": "String",
      "coordinates": ["Number"],
    "default": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [0, 0],

This will manually create a new nested subschema.


Soft Delete

The soft delete module ensures that no documents are permanently deleted by default and provides helpful methods to query on and restore deleted documents. "Soft deletion" means that deleted documents have the properties deleted and deletedAt.

Instance Methods

  • delete - Soft deletes the document.
  • restore - Restores a soft deleted document.
  • destroy - Deletes the document permanently.

Static Methods

  • deleteOne - Soft deletes a single document.
  • deleteMany - Soft deletes multiple documents.
  • restoreOne - Restores a single document.
  • restoreMany - Restores multiple documents.
  • destroyOne - Permanently deletes a single document.
  • destroyMany - Permanently deletes multiple documents. Be careful with this one.

Query Deleted Documents

  • findDeleted
  • findOneDeleted
  • findByIdDeleted
  • existsDeleted
  • countDocumentsDeleted

Query All Documents

  • findWithDeleted
  • findOneWithDeleted
  • findByIdWithDeleted
  • existsWithDeleted
  • countDocumentsWithDeleted

Other Static Methods

  • findOneAndDelete - The soft equivalent of the Mongoose method. Fetches the current data before deleting and returns the document.
  • findByIdAndDelete - The soft equivalent of the Mongoose method. Fetches the current data before deleting and returns the document.

Disallowed Methods

Due to ambiguity with the soft delete module, the following methods will throw an error:

  • Document.remove - Use Document.delete or Document.destroy instead.

  • Document.deleteOne - Use Document.delete or Model.deleteOne instead.

  • Model.findOneAndRemove - Use Model.findOneAndDelete instead.

  • Model.findByIdAndRemove - Use Model.findByIdAndDelete instead.

Unique Constraints

Note that although monogoose allows a unique option on fields, this will add a unique index to the mongo collection itself which is incompatible with soft deletion.

This module will intercept unique: true to create a soft delete compatible validation which will:

  • Throw an error if other non-deleted documents with the same fields exist when calling:
    • Document.update
    • Document.restore
    • Model.updateOne (see note below)
    • Model.updateMany (see note below)
    • Model.restoreOne
    • Model.restoreMany
    • Model.insertMany
    • Model.replaceOne
  • Append the same validation to Model.getCreateSchema and Model.getUpdateSchema to allow this constraint to trickle down to the API.

[!WARNING] Note that calling Model.updateOne will throw an error when a unique field exists on any document including the document being updated. This is an intentional constraint that allows updateOne better peformance by not having to fetch the ids of the documents being updated in order to exclude them. To avoid this call instead.

Note also that calling Model.updateMany with a unique field passed will always throw an error as the result would inherently be non-unique.


Models are extended with methods that allow complex validation that derives from the schema. Bedrock validation is generally used at the API level:

const Router = require('@koa/router');
const router = new Router();
      password: yd.string().password().required(),
  async (ctx) => {
    // ....

In the above example getCreateValidation returns a yada schema that is validated in the validateBody middleware. The password field is an additional field that is appended to the create schema.

There are 4 main methods to generate schemas:

  • getCreateValidation: Validates all fields while disallowing reserved fields like id, createdAt, and updatedAt.
  • getUpdateValidation: Validates all fields as optional (ie. they will not be validated if they don't exist on the input). Additionally will strip out reserved fields to allow created objects to be passed in. Unknown fields will also be stripped out rather than error to allow virtuals to be passed in.
  • getSearchValidation: Validates fields for use with search. The generated validation has a number of properties:
    • In addition to the base field schemas, arrays or ranges are also allowed. See search for more.
    • The special fields limit, sort, keyword, include, and ids are also allowed.
    • Array fields are "unwound". This means that for example given an array field categories, input may be either a string or an array of strings.
  • getDeleteValidation: Only used for access validation (more below).

Named Validations

Named validations can be specified on the model:

  "email": {
    "type": "String",
    "validate": "email"

Validator functions are derived from yada. Note that:

  • email - Will additionally downcase any input.
  • password - Is not supported as it requires options to be passed and is not a field stored directly in the database.
  • mongo - Is instead represented in the models as ObjectId to have parity with type.
  • min - Defined instead directly on the field with minLength for strings and min for numbers.
  • max - Defined instead directly on the field with maxLength for strings and max for numbers.


Models are extended with a search method that allows for complex searching:

const { data, meta } = await;

The method takes the following options:

  • limit - Limit for the query. Will be output in meta.
  • sort - The sort for the query as an object containing a field and an order of "asc" or "desc". May also be an array.
  • include - Allows include based population.
  • keyword - A keyword to perform a keyword search.
  • ids - An array of document ids to search on.

Any other fields passed in will be forwarded to find. The return value contains the found documents in data and meta which contains metadata about the search:

  • total The total document count for the query.
  • limit The limit for the query.
  • skip The number skipped.

Advanced Searching

Input to search will execute the optimal mongo query and supports several advanced features:

  • Array fields will be executed using $in.
  • Javascript regular expressions will map to $regex which allows for more advanced PCRE compatible features.
  • Nested objects will be automatically flattened to query subdocuments:
  profile: {
    age: 20

will be flattened to:

  'profile.age': 20

Searching Arrays

Passing an array to search will perform a query using $in, which matches on the intersection of any elements. For example,

tags: ["one", "two"]

is effectively saying "match any documents whose tags array contains any of one or two".

For this reason, passing an empty array here is ambiguous as it could be asking:

  • Match any documents whose tags array is empty.
  • Match any documents whose tags array contains any of [] (ie. no elements passed so no match).

The difference here is subtle, but for example in a UI field where tags can be chosen but none happen to be selected, it would be unexpected to return documents simply because their tags array happens to be empty.

The search method takes the simpler approach here where an empty array will simply be passed along to $in, which will never result in a match.

However, as a special case, null may instead be passed to search for array fields to explicitly search for empty arrays:

  tags: null,
// Equivalent to:
await User.find({
  tags: [],

This works because Mongoose will always initialize an array field in its documents (ie. the field is always guarnateed to exist and be an array), so an empty array can be thought of as equivalent to { $exists: false } for array fields. Thinking of it this way makes it more intuitive that null should match.

Range Based Search

Additionally, date and number fields allow range queries in the form:

age: {
  gt: 1
  lt: 2

A range query can use lt, gt, or both. Additionally lte and gte will query on less/greater than or equal values.

Keyword Search

Passing keyword to the search method will perform a keyword search. To use this feature a fields key must be present on the model definition:

  "attributes": {
    "name": {
      "type": "String"
    "email": {
      "type": "String"
  "search": {
    "fields": ["name", "email"]

This will use the $or operator to search on multiple fields. If the model has a text index applied, then a Mongo text query will be attempted:

  $text: {
    $search: keyword

Search Validation

The validation generated for search using getSearchValidation is inherently looser and allows more fields to be passed to allow complex searches compatible with the above.


The cache module allows a simple way to cache foreign fields on a document and optionally keep them in sync.

  "attributes": {
    "user": {
      "type": "ObjectId",
      "ref": "User"
  "cache": {
    "userName": {
      "type": "String",
      "path": ""

The above example is equivalent to creating a field called userName and setting it when a document is saved:

  userName: 'String',
schema.pre('save', function () {
  await this.populate('user');
  this.userName =;

Syncing Cached Fields

By default cached fields are only updated when the reference changes. This is fine when the field on the foreign document will not change or to keep a snapshot of the value. However in some cases the local cached field should be kept in sync when the foreign field changes:

  "attributes": {
    "user": {
      "type": "ObjectId",
      "ref": "User"
  "cache": {
    "userName": {
      "type": "String",
      "path": "",
      "sync": true

The "sync" field is the equivelent of running a post save hook on the foreign model to keep the cached field in sync:'save', function () {
  await Shop.updateMany({
  }, {
    $set: {
Initial Sync

When first applying or making changes to defined cached search fields, existing documents will be out of sync. The static method syncCacheFields is provided to synchronize them:

// Find and update any documents that do not have
// existing cached fields. Generally called after
// adding or modifying a cached field.
await Model.syncCacheFields();


Populating foreign documents with populate is a powerful feature of mongoose. In the past Bedrock has made use of the autopopulate plugin, however has since moved away from this for two reasons:

  1. Document population is highly situational. In complex real world applications a document may require deep population or none at all, however autopopulate does not allow this level of control.
  2. Although circular references usually are the result of bad data modeling, in some cases they cannot be avoided. Autopopulate will keep loading these references until it reaches a maximum depth, even when the fetched data is redundant.

Both of these issues have major performance implications which result in slower queries and more unneeded data transfer over the wire.

For this reason calling populate manually is highly preferable, however in complex situations this can easily be a lot of overhead. The include module attempts to streamline this process by adding an include method to queries:

const product = await Product.findById(id).include('shop.user.customers');

This method accepts a string or array of strings that will map to a populate call that can be far more complex:

const product = await Product.findById(id).populate([
    select: [],
    populate: [
        path: 'shop',
        select: [],
        populate: [
            path: 'user',
            select: [],
            populate: [],
            path: 'customers',
            select: [],
            populate: [],

In addition to brevity, one major advantage of using include is that the caller does not need to know whether the path contains subdocuments or foreign references. As Bedrock has knowledge of the schemas, it is able to build the appropriate call to populate for you.

Exclusive Fields

By default, arguments to include are for population. However often field projection (selection) is also desired to avoid excessive data transfer. The ^ token can be used here to build the select option to populates:

const product = await Product.findById(id).include([

This will map to a selective inclusion of fields in the populate call:

const product = await Product.findById(id).populate([
    select: ['name', 'shop'],
    populate: [
        path: 'shop',
        select: ['name', 'user'],
        populate: [
            path: 'user',
            select: ['name'],
            populate: [],

The resulting data will include only the specified fields:

  "name": "Product Name",
  "shop": {
    "name": "Shop Name",
    "user": {
      "name": "User Name"

Note that the exclusive operator can be used anywhere in the path. The exclusion (select) will be applied at the depth in which it is specified:

Example 1:

  • Top level exclusion
  • Only exact field returned.
await Product.findById(id).include('^').
  "shop": {
    "user": {
      "name": "User Name"

Example 2:

  • Mid-level exclusion.
  • Top level fields included, mid-level begins exclusion.
await Product.findById(id).include('shop.^').
  "name": "Product Name",
  "cost": 10,
  // etc
  "shop": {
    "user": {
      "name": "User Name"

Example 3:

  • Final level exclusion.
  • All fields returned except in final user population.
await Product.findById(id).include('shop.user.^name').
  "name": "Product Name",
  "cost": 10,
  // etc
  "shop": {
    "name": "Shop Name",
    "rating": 5,
    // etc
    "user": {
      "name": "User Name"

Excluded Fields

Fields can be excluded rather than included using -:

const user = await User.findById(id).include('-profile');

The above will return all fields except profile. Note that:

  • Excluding fields only affects the select option. Foreign fields must still be passed, otherwise they will be returned unpopulated.
  • An excluded field on a foreign reference will implicitly be populated. This means that passing where profile is a foreign field will populate profile but exclude name.
  • Note that - can only be used at the beginning of the path.


Multiple fields can be selected using wildcards:

  • * - Matches anything except ..
  • ** - Matches anything including ..
  • Note that the use of wildcards implies that other fields are excluded.

Example 1: Single wildcard

const user = await User.findById(id).include('*Name');
  "firstName": "Frank",
  "lastName": "Reynolds"
  // Other fields excluded.

Example 2: Double wildcard

const user = await User.findById(id).include('**.phone');
  "profile1": {
    "address": {
      "phone": "String"
  "profile2": {
    "address": {
      "phone": "String"

This example above will select both and Compare this to * which will not match here.

Note that wildcards do not implicitly populate foreign fields. For example passing p* where profile is a foreign field will include all fields matching p* but it will not populate the profile field. In this case an array must be used instead:

const user = await User.findById(id).include(['p*', 'profile']);

Searching with includes

Note that search, which returns a query, can also use include:

const user = await{
  firstName: 'Frank',

Include as a Filter

Additionally include is flagged as a special parameter for filters, allowing the following equivalent syntax on search as well as all find methods:

const user = await User.find({
  firstName: 'Frank',
  include: 'profile',

Validation with includes

The validation methods additionally allow include as a special field on generated schemas. This allows the client to drive document inclusion on a case by case basis. For example, given a typical Bedrock setup:

const Router = require('@koa/router');
const router = new Router();'/', validateBody(User.getSearchValidation()), async (ctx) => {
  const { data, meta } = await;
  ctx.body = {

The getSearchValidation will allow the include property to be passed, letting the client populate documents as they require. Note that the fields a client is able to include is subject to access control.

Other Differences with Populate

Calling populate on a Mongoose document will always load the current data. In contrast, include will only load when not yet populated, providing better performance for most situations such as pre save hooks:

schema.pre('save', async () => {
  // Will not result in a populate call if the
  // owner document has already been populated.
  await this.include('owner');

  this.ownerName =;

If always fetching the current document is preferred, the force option can be passed:

await shop.include('owner', {
  force: true,

Access Control

This module applies two forms of access control:

Field Access:

Read Access

Read access influences how documents are serialized. Fields that have been denied access will be stripped out. Additionally it will influence the validation schema for getSearchValidation. Fields that have been denied access are not allowed to be searched on and will throw an error.

Write Access

Write access influences validation in getCreateValidation and getUpdateValidation. Fields that have been denied access will throw an error unless they are identical to what is already set on the document. Note that in the case of getCreateValidation no document has been created yet so a denied field will always result in an error if passed.

Defining Field Access

Access is defined in schemas with the readAccess and writeAccess options:

  "name": {
    "type": "String",
    "readAccess": "none"
    "writeAccess": "none"

This may be either a string or an array of strings. For multiple fields with the same access types, use a scope.

Access on Arrays

Note that on array fields the following schema is often used:

  "tokens": [
      "type": "String",
      "readAccess": "none",

However this is not technically correct as the readAccess above is referring to the tokens array instead of individual elements. The correct schema is technically written:

  "tokens": {
    "type": ["String"],
    "readAccess": "none",

However this is overhead and hard to remember, so readAccess and writeAccess will be hoisted to the array field itself as a special case. Note that only these two fields will be hoisted as other fields like validate and default are correctly defined on the string itself.

Access Types

readAccess and writeAccess can specify any token. However a few special tokens exist:

Any other token will use scope based access.

Scope Based Access

A non-reserved token specified in readAccess or writeAccess will test against scopes in the generated validations or when serializing:

// In validation middleware:
const schema = User.getCreateSchema();
await schema.validate(ctx.request.body, {
  scopes: authUser.getScopes(),
  // Also accepted:
  scope: '...',
// In routes:
  scopes: authUser.getScopes(),
  // Also accepted:
  scope: '...',

Note that scopes are just literal strings. For example a route already checking that the user is admin may simply pass .toObject({ scope: 'admin' }). However for more complex cases scopes are typically derived from the authUser's roles.

Document Based Access

Will compare a document or it's properties against the id of an authUser.

Document based access allows 3 different tokens:

  • self - Compares ==
  • user - Compares ==
  • owner - Compares ==

Using document based access comes with some requirements:

  1. Read access must use .toObject({ authUser }). Note that the document is not required here as a reference is already kept.
  2. Write access must use schema.validate(body, { authUser, document }).


For clarity, here are a few examples about how document based access control should be used:

Example 1

A user is allowed to update their own date of birth, but not their email which is set after verification:

// user.json
  "email": {
    "type": "String",
    "writeAccess": "none"
  "dob": {
    "type": "String",
    "writeAccess": "self"
Example 2

A user is allowed to update the name of their own shop and admins can as well. However, only admins can set the owner of the shop:

// shop.json
  "name": {
    "type": "String",
    "writeAccess": ["owner", "admin"]
  "owner": {
    "type": "ObjectId",
    "ref": "User",
    "writeAccess": "admin"
Example 3

A user is allowed to update the fact that they have received their medical report, but nothing else. The medical report is received externally so even admins are not allowed to change the user they belong to.

The difference with owner here is the name only, however both options exist as a user defined on a schema does not necessarily represent the document's owner, as this example illustrates:

// medical-report.json
  "received": {
    "type": "String",
    "writeAccess": "user"
  "user": {
    "type": "ObjectId",
    "ref": "User",
    "writeAccess": "none"
Notes on Read Access

Note that all forms of read access require that .toObject is called on the document with special parameters, however this method is called on internal serialization including both JSON.stringify and logging to the console. For this reason it will never fail even if it cannot perform the correct access checks. Instead any fields with readAccess defined on them will be stripped out.

Notes on Write Access

Note that self is generally only meaningful on a User model as it will always check the document is the same as authUser.

Document Access

In addition to the fine grained control of accessing fields, documents themselves may also have access control. This can be defined in the access key of the model definition:

// user.json
  "attributes": {
    // ...
  "access": {
    // A user may update themselves or an admin.
    "update": ["self", "admin"],
    // Only an admin may delete a user.
    "delete": ["admin"]

The same options can be used as document based access on fields, so this could be owner, etc:

// shop.json
  "attributes": {
    "owner": {
      "type": "ObjectId",
      "ref": "User"
  "access": {
    // An owner may update their own shop.
    "update": ["owner", "admin"],
    // Only an admin may delete a shop.
    "delete": ["admin"]

Delete Hooks

Delete hooks are a powerful way to define what actions are taken on document deletion. They are defined in the onDelete field of the model definition file:

// user.json
  "attributes": {
    "name": "String",
    "profile": {
      "type": "ObjectId",
      "ref": "UserProfile"
  "onDelete": {
    "clean": [
        "path": "profile"
        "ref": "Shop",
        "path": "owner"
    "errorOnReferenced": {
      "except": ["AuditEntry"]


clean determines other associated documents that will be deleted when the main document is deleted. It is defined as an array of operations that will be performed in order. Operations must contain either path or paths.

Local References

Operations that do not specify a ref are treated as local paths. In the above example:


// Will implicitly run:
await user.populate('profile');
await user.profile.delete();

Foreign References

Operations that specify a ref are treated as foreign references. In the above example:


// Will implicitly run:
const shops = await Shop.find({
  owner: user,
for (let shop of shops) {
  await shop.delete();

Additional Filters

Operations may filter on additional fields with query:

// user.json
  "onDelete": {
    "clean": [
        "ref": "Shop",
        "path": "owner",
        "query": {
          "status": "active"

In this example:


// Will implicitly run:
const shops = await Shop.find({
  status: 'active',
  owner: user,
for (let shop of shops) {
  await shop.delete();

Any query that can be serliazed as JSON is valid, however top-level $or operators have special behavior with multiple paths (see note below).

Multiple Paths

An operation that specified an array of paths will implicitly run an $or query:

// user.json
  "onDelete": {
    "clean": [
        "ref": "Shop",
        "path": ["owner", "administrator"]

In this example:


// Will implicitly run:
const shops = await Shop.find({
  $or: [
      owner: user,
      administrator: user,
for (let shop of shops) {
  await shop.delete();

[!WARNING] The ability to run an $and query with multiple paths is currently not implemented.

Erroring on Delete

The errorOnReferenced field helps to prevent orphaned references by defining if and how the delete method will error if it is being referenced by another foreign document. In the top example:


// Will error if referenced by any document other than:
// 1. AuditEntry - Explicitly allowed by "except".
// 2. Shop - Implicitly allowed as it will be deleted.

In this case, "referenced by" means any other model that explicitly uses "User" as a ref for type ObjectId. errorOnReferenced may also be simply true, which will error on any foreign references of any kind.

only may be passed instead of except, which will only error when the document is referenced by referenced by specific models.

Restoring Deleted Documents

Models that have delete hooks defined on them will keep a reference of the documents that were deleted. Calling .restore() on the document will also restore these references.

[!WARNING] Delete hooks are only run on a single document (.delete or .restore). They will not be run when using model methods like deleteOne or deleteMany.


Applies a single instance method assign to documents:

// Compare to:
Object.assign(user, ctx.request.body);

This is functionally identical to Object.assign with the exception that fields can be unset by passing falsy values. This method is provided as undefined cannot be represented in JSON which requires using either a null or empty string, both of which would be stored in the database if naively assigned with Object.assign.


This module adds a single findOrCreate convenience method that is easy to understand and avoids some of the gotchas that come with upserting documents in Mongoose:

const shop = await Shop.findOrCreate({
  name: 'My Shop',

// This is equivalent to running:
let shop = await Shop.findOne({
  name: 'My Shop',

if (!shop) {
  shop = await Shop.create({
    name: 'My Shop',

In most cases not all of the fields should be queried on to determine if an existing document exists. In this case two arguments should be passed the first of which is the query:

const shop = await Shop.findOrCreate(
    slug: 'my-shop',
    name: 'My Shop',
    slug: 'my-shop',

// This is equivalent to running:
let shop = await Shop.findOne({
  slug: 'my-shop',

if (!shop) {
  shop = await Shop.create({
    name: 'My Shop',
    slug: 'my-shop',


A common requirement is to allow slugs on documents to serve as ids for human readable URLs. This module simplifies this by assuming a slug field on a model and adding a findByIdOrSlug method that allows searching on either:

const post = await Post.findByIdOrSlug(str);

Note that soft delete methods are also applied:

  • findByIdOrSlugDeleted
  • findByIdOrSlugWithDeleted

Also note that as Mongo ids are represented as 24 byte hexadecimal a collision is possible:

  • deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef
  • cafecafecafecafecafecafe

However the likelyhood of such collisions on a slug are acceptably small.


A helper createTestModel is exported to allow quickly building models for testing:

const { createTestModel } = require('@bedrockio/model');

const User = createTestModel({
  name: 'String',

Note that a unique model name will be generated to prevent clashing with other models. This can be accessed with Model.modelName or to make tests more readable it can be overridden:

const { createTestModel } = require('@bedrockio/model');

const Post = createTestModel('Post', {
  name: 'String',

Make sure in this case that the model name is unique.


Q: I'm seeing scopes were requested but not provided messages everywhere. What is this?

A: When a model has fields with readAccess, documents require extra context to be able to serialize properly. In practice this means calling toObject on the document without the scopes option will generate this warning. This also means that functions like console.log that internally call toString on the document will also show warnings. Possible causes include:

  • console.log(document) - solution here is to remove the log or use the serializeDocument helper in bedrock core.
  • A bug in Mongoose (observed in v8.3.2) prevents serialize options from being passed down to nested documents. Bumping the Mongoose version should fix this.


Bedrock utilities for model creation.






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