ALWAYS START FROM OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION!!! - click it It's strongly said to run Jenkins in Docker on Windows!!! Don't even try run Jenkins on Windows directly!!! Well you can, for simple tasks, but don't expect that everything will work (like Jenkinsfile, dockers). For it use Jenkins on Docker.
Project contains instruction how to setup simple Docker container with Jenkins with Docker inside. It also contains simple Jenkinsfile and Dockerfile just to verify that Dockerfile from official repository is still working - it should. And it also shows how you can use Dockerfile(s) created for application in Jenkinsfile (this Dockerfile can contains instruction defining installation instruction for your application). Jenkinsfile run build of this Dockerfile.
I was planning to run many applications like python scripts, java applications and other in Docker on Jenkins using Jenkinsfiles to automate testing and preventing regression (e.g. block merge when build fail). I did not expect that I face so many issued only because I decided to run Jenkins on Windows instead Linux.
The last problem overflowing bitterness was problem with using Dockers in Jenkins.
As a first solution I found jenkins-withdocker docker image, it was good, but it was still not perfect. E.g. It didn't contain Blue Ocean, I was not sure that Image will be update all the time when new Jenkins is released. This Docker images may be not up to date when you use global Docker repository (it have to be rebuild every time when Jenkins releases new version).
I created this repository to be able setup docker in the future with simple steps described in this README.
Jenkins on Windows have problems with:
- running Jenkinsfiles (error like: Error response from daemon: the working directory ... is invalid, it needs to be an absolute path.)
- wsl is not fully supported (problems with paths, tools visibility/execution)
- dockers (Docker on Windows -> JENKINS-36776) are not supported in Jenkins on Windows (there are many other tickets)
I spent too much time on solving other integration problems between windows, wsl and docker, configuration, etc. I decided to move Jenkins to linux using Dockers and it was a good choice.
The best solution turned out to be using the Docker image with Jenkins with Docker inside as it is suggested in the official Jenkins documentation, so don't event try run Jenkins on Windows without Docker! Well you can use it without Docker, but only for a simple tasks.
Therefore, as the final solution I create this README to guide you how to setup easily working Jenkins on Windows.
From Jenkins documentation: "A new jenkinsci/blueocean image is published each time a new release of Blue Ocean is published." (link)
- Official docker requirements
- CPU Virtualization enabled (read below)
Install Docker Desktop for Windows
- Download docker installer Docker Desktop Installer.exe
- Follow the install wizard
- Click Finish
- Run application and login
In order to run docker CPU Virtualization must be enabled. You can enable it in the BIOS. Check if virtualization is enabled
- create any directory for Jenkins files (Jenkins in Docker will be installed outside docker image and will be mounted - to be able recreate environment without losing jenkins configuration, jobs, workspace, installed additional plugins, etc.)
- use command line and execute instruction below
docker run ^
-u root ^
--rm ^
-d ^
-p 8080:8080 ^
-p 50000:50000 ^
-v "E:/Docker/Jenkins":/var/jenkins_home ^
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ^
--name jenkins ^
-u root
- is needed to be able bind docker service with jenkins-d
- run as daemon, so you can detach console window-p 8080:8080
and-p 50000:50000
- expose jenkins ports for main Jenkins and slave communicationE:/Docker/Jenkins
- my created directory-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- mount/bid docker sockets--name jenkins
- alias for created container - e.g. to be able login docker machine easilyjenkinsci/blueocean
- name of docker used to create Jenkins - released every time when new blue ocean is released
More details on the official Jenkins documentation
$ docker container start jenkins
$ docker ps
42e3edd6087b jenkinsci/blueocean "/sbin/tini -- /usr/…" 12 minutes ago Up 12 minutes>8080/tcp,>50000/tcp jenkins
$ docker container ls --all
$ docker container stop jenkins
Note: You can use Container ID instead alias name
$ docker container rm jenkins
Note: Stopping and removing container is also required to be able rebuild docker (container)
$ docker image rm jenkinsci/blueocean
@echo off
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%i IN ('docker ps -aq') DO docker rm %%i
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%i IN ('docker images --format "{{.ID}}"') DO docker rmi %%i
# Delete all containers
$ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
# Delete all images
$ docker rmi $(docker images -q)
Or short (on windows as well):
$ docker system prune
Open web browser and type address localhost:8080
and follow instruction: Unlocking Jenkins.
The /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
file is located under mounted place. e.g. in my case it is E:/Docker/Jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
is "mapped" to E:/Docker/Jenkins
I suggest install without any plugins (select None) and add it later.
And that's it. You can open web browser, typ http://localhost:8080 and start using jenkins with docker.
E.g. Open Blue ocean view, create new pipeline, use e.g. github, add token, project and that's it. You can run Jenkinsfile pipeline with dockers.
I just create it as the instruction.
- - official docker documentation
- - Docker for windows - installation instruction
- - how to setup newest jenkins in docker (without docker or blue ocean inside)