Full Fat Docker PHP runtime is a Docker image for PHP CLI intended to be useful for developers by providing a usable PHP environment through Docker, without needing to install anything in the developer system.
Ideally new extensions should be added to the ffd-php image to cover all the possible use cases of the developer, but they're not as of now. Have patience or make a pull request please.
You can use the asierpazm/ffd-php Docker Hub image or build your own. If you wish to use the Docker Hub one, run the following command:
$ sudo docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/app -w /app -u`id -u`:`id -g` asierpazm/ffd-php -m
The image defines php
as the default command if you don't specify anything else, but you could of course call php
explicitly or just run other commands like ls
or whatever you need.
Since the command is a bit too big, you could add a convenient alias to your .bashrc
/ .zshrc
/ .profile
or whatever like this:
alias ffd-php='sudo docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/app -w /app -u`id -u`:`id -g` asierpazm/ffd-php'
Now you can easily install dependencies through composer from a local project or run php scripts like this:
$ ffd-php composer require psr/log
$ ffd-php -f hello.php
To build your own image, with or without your own changes, clone this repository and run the following commands:
$ sudo docker build -t ffd-php .
Extension name | Included |
Apache | ✅ |
APCu | |
Arrays | ✅ |
BC Math | ✅ |
Bzip2 | ✅ |
Calendar | ✅ |
Classes/Objects | ✅ |
CommonMark | |
COM | |
Componere | |
Ctype | ✅ |
cURL | ✅ |
Date/Time | ✅ |
DBA | |
dBase | |
Direct IO | |
Directories | ✅ |
DOM | ✅ |
Data Structures | |
Eio | |
Enchant | |
Error Handling | ✅ |
Ev | |
Event | |
Program execution | ✅ |
Exif | ✅ |
Expect | |
FANN | |
FDF | |
FFI | ✅ |
Fileinfo | ✅ |
Filesystem | ✅ |
Filter | ✅ |
FastCGI Process Manager | |
FTP | ✅ |
Function Handling | ✅ |
Gearman | |
Gender | |
GeoIP | |
Gettext | ✅ |
Gmagick | |
GMP | ✅ |
GnuPG | |
Hash | ✅ |
HRTime | |
Firebird/InterBase | |
IBM DB2 | |
iconv | ✅ |
Igbinary | |
GD | ✅ |
ImageMagick | |
IMAP | ✅ |
PHP Options/Info | ✅ |
Inotify | |
intl | ✅ |
JSON | ✅ |
LDAP | ✅ |
libxml | ✅ |
Lua | |
LuaSandbox | |
LZF | |
✅ | |
Mailparse | |
Math | ✅ |
Multibyte String | ✅ |
Mcrypt | |
Memcache | |
Memcached | |
Mhash | |
Misc. | ✅ |
mqseries | |
MySQL (Original) | |
Mysql_xdevapi | |
MySQLi | ✅ |
Mysqlnd | ✅ |
Network | ✅ |
OAuth | |
OCI8 | |
OPcache | ✅ |
OpenAL | |
OpenSSL | ✅ |
Output Control | ✅ |
parallel | |
Parle | |
Password Hashing | ✅ |
PCNTL | ✅ |
PCRE | ✅ |
PDO | ✅ |
MS SQL Server (PDO) [dblib] | ✅ |
Firebird (PDO) | ✅ |
IBM (PDO) | |
Informix (PDO) | |
MySQL (PDO) | ✅ |
Oracle (PDO) | |
ODBC and DB2 (PDO) | |
PostgreSQL (PDO) | |
SQLite (PDO) | ✅ |
MS SQL Server (PDO) [sqlsrv] | |
PostgreSQL | |
Phar | ✅ |
phpdbg | |
POSIX | ✅ |
PS | |
Pspell | |
pthreads | |
Quickhash | |
Radius | |
Random | ✅ |
Rar | |
Readline | ✅ |
Recode | |
Reflection | ✅ |
Rnp | |
RpmInfo | |
RRD | |
runkit7 | |
ScoutAPM | |
Seaslog | |
Semaphore | |
Sessions | ✅ |
Shared Memory | ✅ |
Simdjson | |
SimpleXML | ✅ |
SNMP | |
SOAP | ✅ |
Sockets | ✅ |
Sodium | ✅ |
Solr | |
SPL | ✅ |
SQLite3 | ✅ |
ssdeep | |
SSH2 | |
Statistics | |
Stomp | |
Streams | ✅ |
Strings | ✅ |
SVM | |
SVN | |
Swoole | |
Sync | |
Taint | |
TCP | |
Tidy | |
Tokenizer | ✅ |
Trader | |
UI | |
ODBC | |
uopz | |
URLs | ✅ |
V8js | |
Variable handling | ✅ |
var_representation | |
Varnish | |
WDDX | |
win32service | |
WinCache | |
wkhtmltox | |
xattr | |
xdiff | |
Xhprof | |
XLSWriter | |
XML Parser | ✅ |
XMLDiff | |
XMLReader | ✅ |
XMLWriter | ✅ |
XSL | |
Yac | |
Yaconf | |
Yaf | |
Yaml | |
Yar | |
YAZ | |
Zip | |
Zlib | ✅ |
0MQ messaging | |
ZooKeeper |