Pg-testable is a thin wrapper with a common interface around various locally testable Postgres implementations.
- Pglite is Postgres implemented as WASM.
- Pg-mem Lightning fast, but it's an interpretation of Postgres' syntax. Useful only for very basic tests.
It also attempts to load optimally in different environments.
It includes DbMultipleTestsRunner to execute many simple tests independentally of one another, in just one DB instance (dramatically speeding it up vs. creating a new DB per test). It does this simply by giving each test its own unique table name (which can be used as a unique table prefix if you need many tables).
The wrapped db: useful as a common interface and sensible default environment choices
const db = Pgtestable.newDb();
await db.exec('INSERT INTO t1 () VALUES()');
const result = await db.query<{pk:string}>('SELECT * FROM t1');
The test runner: useful as it efficiently reuses the DB across mutiple tests
const runner:DbMultipleTestsRunner;
beforeAll((done) => {
// Let it run one query to initiate any lazy parts of the DB, before the tests start rushing it
runner = new DbMultipleTestsRunner();
runner.sequentialTest(async (runner, db) => {
await db.query("select 'Hello world' as message;");
afterAll(async () => {
// Let the DB clean up gracefully
await runner.dispose();
test('simple query', async () => {
const message = await runner.sequentialTest(async (runner, db, uniqueTableName) => {
const result = await db.query("select 'Hello world' as message;");
return result.rows[0].message;
expect(message).toBe('Hello world');
# API Reference
Use a real database (i.e. not pg-mem)force:PgTestableDbs
Override environmental selectors to pick the database
## Drop the need for dynamic loading Pglite in browser (currently needed for Trowser)
If it detects it's running in the browser, it dynamically loads the Pglite module. This can probably change in the future, but it was the only way to get it correctly load paths for the WASM files (Pglite's author has stated the WASM file paths will become optional, at which point it would be wise to point to the CDN for them, or update Trowser to have a special hotfix mode that includes the Postgres wasm files into the temp directory).
Because pg-mem requires you to nominate the schema in code, rather than SQL, which would add complexity/brittleness to all external test queries.
## Pglite claims a table/relation doesn't exist, but you created it and awaited it to complete
For some reason, if you try to create/select multiple tables in an interleaved way (e.g. two async functions running together), Pglite fails to recognise the table.
DbMultipleTestsRunner solves this by queuing each test to run sequentially.
isComplete is waiting for
- Postgres to set up
- all your tests to complete
So make sure your test function has a long timeout. E.g. Timeout docs for Jest
# Building
In jest.config.js
- Add the package to transformIgnorePatterns
- If the package uses import.meta.url (Jest will throw an error if it does and you've not set this up), make sure you've installed and set up FYI this package now has it installed and set up in babel.config.js.
npm run build_release
Will run the lint (failing if it gives any warnings), build it, and deploy with np