This project is a website that will promote underground artist sush as danser, graffer and all kind of street performer. Urbanetwork is a project born in the university for our studies. We are a dev team composed of 3 members. We love web developement and we wanted to use Symfony 2 for an open source project.
- Download zip file from gitHub here
- Unzip it in your document root directory
- Install Vendors:
php composer.phar install
- create your database (if not created yet):
php app/console doctrine:database:create
- Update database:
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
- The upload directory:
mkdir web/uploads && mkdir web/uploads/media && chmod -R 0777 web/uploads
- Permission:
chmod -R 777 ./app/cache/
chmod -R 777 ./app/log/
php app/console fos:user:create root [email protected] password --super-admin
### Compiling the css
php app/console assetic:dump
## Ready !
You can now use this project as a normal symfony 2 project.
## Entity Notes :
This the relations summary between the entity of the project.
Relation One_To_One
Artiste -> Mediath�que
Artiste -> CVArt
Crew -> CVCrew
Membre -> Annonceur
Membre -> Artiste
Relation Many_To_One
CatPub -> Annonce
Annonce -> Membre
Relation Many_To_Many
Annonce -> Tag
Artiste -> Discipline
CVArt -> Spectacle
CVArt -> Formation
Mediatheque -> Video
Relation Classe Association
Annonce -> Estimer -> Competence
Artiste -> Appartient -> Crew
CVArt -> Classement -> Competicion
CVArt -> Evaluer -> Competence
Artiste -> Appartient -> Crew