I have found a way to implement start/stop script on a ASUS's stock firmware without any modifications. Moreover, it's fits to any modern ASUS router, so this project becomes quite useless. Please visit SmallNetBuilder forum for details.
This is a firmware for ASUS RT-N66U/RT-AC66U/RT-N16 routers with and ONLY with two modifications:
- JFFS partition enabled,
- with editable user scripts, executed on key system events.
I want to use the last Broadcom SDK, shipped with last stock ASUS firmware, like i did with my RT-N16 + wl500g.googlecode.com f\w before. Neither TomatoUSB nor DD-WRT can not provide it. There is great project by Eric Sauvageau at github.com/RMerl/asuswrt-merlin, but there is too many additional features: while stock firmware develops rapidly, supporting all those additional features is a quite complicated task, it's hard not to break something while catching up last ASUS changes. So i'm gonna make my own firmware with blackjack and... well, with blackjack only.
I took Eric's custom user scripts and apply it to last ASUS firmware. No other changes, all additional features can be provided by Entware/Optware services.
I want to thank github.com/RMerl, who's never turns away from my requests and to github.com/theMIROn, who gives me a kick to start this project.
A standart compilation environment. For Debian-based distros:
$ sudo apt-get install bison flex g++ g++-4.4 g++-multilib gawk gcc-multilib gconf gitk lib32z1-dev \
libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libstdc++6-4.4-dev libtool m4 pkg-config zlib1g-dev
Firmware compilation tested on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS amd64.
$ git clone git://github.com/ryzhovau/asuswrt-ryzhov.git
$ cd ./asuswrt-ryzhov
$ ./compile.sh
If all goes well then a *.trx firmware file will be cooked.
This is an original ASUS firmware with all it' beautiful features and ugly bugs except two things:
/jffs partition, where you can store your custom scripts and additional kernel modules. Without external USB storage this is a only place where your scripts can survive a reboot. To use /jffs partition go to console, type
$ nvram set jffs2_on=1 $ nvram set jffs2_format=1 $ nvram commit
and reboot a router twice (one to formatting jffs partition, next - to mount).
- A few predefined scripts, driven by some system events:
- /jffs/scripts/init-start - will be executed right after kernel boot.
- /jffs/scripts/wan-start - after WAN connection is initiated. Good place to do some internet-depended tasks.
- /jffs/scripts/firewall-start - after firewall rules reapplied. Place custom iptables rules here.
- /jffs/scripts/pre-mount - before every partition been mounted. The script will receive one parameter - device name (i.e. /dev/sda1). A right place for partition consistency check.
- /jffs/scripts/post-mount - executed every time when USB partition is mounted. The script will receive one parameter - mount point name.
- /jffs/scripts/services-start - will be executed after system boots and all external USB drives are mounted. A right place for starting external services from Entware/Optware.
- /jffs/scripts/services-stop - executed at shutdown before external drives unmounts. Gives a chance to shutdown external services gracefully.
See script-examples folder for (surprise!) script examples.
That it. Feel free to use and to discuss asuswrt-ryzhov firmware here or at www.wl500g.info