Simple Bacula bot to notify when backup ends Based in Wanderlei Huttel bash script
pip install pymysql
You need create a bot, to do this:
Add BotFather to your telegram :
send /newbot
Choose a name
at end it will return the http API token.
put it in variable BOT_ID
To get chat id
Add you new bot to your telegram and start message something with him.
Uncomment these lines in
#result = urllib2.urlopen("" + BOT_ID + "/getUpdates").read()
#print result
Run the it will return CHAT_ID put it in your delete or comment lines you have uncommented.
JobDefs {
Name = "DefaultJob"
Type = Backup
Level = Differential
Client = tralha-fd
FileSet = "Full Set"
Schedule = "WeeklySchedule"
Storage = LTO6-Library
Messages = Standard
Pool = Daily
SpoolAttributes = yes
Priority = 10
Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/%c.bsr"
RunScript {
Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/ %i"
FailJobOnError = no
RunsWhen = After
RunsOnFailure = yes
RunsOnClient = no
RunsOnSuccess = yes