"Fixed" version of https://github.com/InternalTransfers/RbxJs2016, includes some fixes made by me.
I removed issues because I'm not a developer, don't even try to send me direct messages about this project, I won't help
Basic knowledge of linux, how to use cd, terminal commands adn github
Windows Terminal (new one) is not required but i recommend it
big brain
- Install WSL Preview In Microsoft Store and Ubuntu 20.04:
- Enable systemd
You will need to edit the wsl.conf file to ensure systemd starts up on boot.
Add these lines to the /etc/wsl.conf (note you will need to run your editor with sudo privileges, e.g: sudo nano /etc/wsl.conf):
[boot] systemd=true
- Install Node.js, NPM and mongodb
dont know how? check this:
Clone This Repo
Create Mongo Database called roblox (without capslock)
here if you dont know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnvcI8wLn5M
go to RbxJs2016 folder
do npm i ( ignore warnings )
run this:
sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep readlink -f \
which node``
- add the ssl thing ( trustca.txt )
10 run npm start
- fun